Sunday, August 11, 2019

Freedom of the Press? NOT!

There appears to be a serious misunderstanding concerning several of the rights stated in the Bill of Rights. Freedom of the press is one such right.

Yes, we have rights, but with every right there comes the responsibility to not abuse it. And in modern times, the mainstream media is sorely and blatantly abusing their right to a free press by reporting only one side with any honesty. Outlets such as CNN, MSNBC and many others - almost ALL others - do not even attempt to put forth an objective view when it comes to political, cultural and social issues. They ae totally one-sided.

And while we all have a right to express our opinions, those in the media who are tasked with REPORTING are supposed to forego expressing opinions. Opinions are supposed to be in the wheelhouse of pundits, not reporters.

The mainstream media abuses their position of authority by pushing forth an agenda. Most of their "reporting" favors the left, and demonizes the right. Their reporting pushes some form of socialist culture and tears down anything traditional. There is nothing fair, balanced or objective in what they put out for consumption, and they do so with purpose and intent to mislead the public, to "brainwash" the public into believing things that simply are not true.

Anyone who does their own "investigative reporting" and avoids getting their "facts" from mainstream media and liberal bloggers will discover that the media narrative that Trump is racist is completely bogus, as was their two-year insistence that he was a Russan agent. Research would show that Antifa is a domestic terrorist group, and not "peaceful protesters" fighting against fascists. In fact, if you watch the videos of their violence, you will see that THEY are the fascists (look up the definition if you do not believe that).

The point: the media does have a right to report the truth, but they do NOT have a right to use their power to deceive and mislead us. They do not have the right to tell us something is a fact when it is not. They do not have a right to lie!

President Trump is being gentle with them by calling them "fake news". They are not just purveyors of phony stories - they are blatant, pathological liars intent in doing us harm. "Trump is racist." Trump is a Russian agent."  "Republicans are evil." "Gun controls reduce crime." "Antifa is a peaceful group of protesters using their right to protest." The Coventry kids who stood motionless and quiet were accused by the media of hateful, threatening conduct, but "protesters" on the left who were disturbing the peace and screaming profanities and threatening death to McConnell in the middle of the night at his home were deemed by mainstream media as "just peaceful protesters exercising their First Amendment right."

There are a few good outlets, but unfortunately not everyone uses them as their "go to" for news. Fox News makes a concerted effort to be fair, but even they stress a viewpoint. But while their pundits like Hannity are blatantly one-sided, their actual NEWS anchors are not - they report BOTH sides of the story, honestly and objectively. On Fox you will see video and hear audio that the rest of the media buries. If a person is truly interested in knowing what is really going on around them, they would do well to spend as much time watching Fox News as they do any other outlet. THEN decide wherein lies the truth.

If we are going to be honestly informed about events, and their consequences, we need to crack down on those in the media who are determined to undermine America with their lies. And while they are free to report, we should be able to sue them and hold them accountable when they intentionally mislead and deceive us by not reporting the WHOLE truth. If we instead choose to ignore it, and assume they have some inherent right to deceive us, then we will deserve the crumbling society that will be the future of this once great nation of strong, free-thinking independent people.


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