Saturday, August 3, 2019

Fake News on Gun Deaths

Let's begin with the understanding that MISLEADING news is fake news. And the mainstream media is chock full of misleading news.

Like the New York Times screaming about "40,000 gun deaths a year", and Beto O'Rourke repeating it because he either does not realize it is misleading, or he is just as dishonest.

Yes, according to statistics there were over 40,000 deaths by guns last year. But what the anti-gun cult won't tell you is that over 60% of those are SUICIDES - and  any person intent on suicide will do so regardless of whether a gun is available. Of those 40,000 deaths, fewer than 11,000 were firearm related homicides.While that number seems significant, we should note the perspective - more people die each year from hypertension.

And when that anti-gun bunch spouts off on how we need to "keep those military weapons on the battlefields and out of our communities" as O'Rourke put it, that, too is dishonestly misleading. The facts that O'Rourke and his ilk refuse to point out are a) there are no military weapons in our communities. In referring to semi-auto rifles, those are deer rifles, not military weapons (which are fully automatic), and b) only 403 of those 40,000 gun deaths were by ANY kind of rifle. And more people were killed by blunt instruments (i.e. hammer etc.) than by "assault-style" weapons.

They also will not tell you that gun deaths - including the suicides - represent only 1/10th the estimated number of deaths by medical error, and don't even rate among the top 15 causes of death in America.

And they won't tell you that while suicides are up, murders by firearms are down.

When I listen to people like O'Rourke, or the NYT, I am reminded of Chicken Little screaming that "The sky is falling"...

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