Sunday, December 10, 2017

Twitter Shows Its True Colors & It Isn't Pretty

As many know (if you follow the real news), Chelsea Handler has twice body shamed Sarah Huckabee Sanders in a very vulgar and hateful way, on television. And to think, it's those Hollywood liberals who supposedly "stand up for women". Actually, they only stand up for those who agree with their ideology.

That is not news. But this is:

This morning I posted the following Tweet in defense of Sanders, and calling out Handler for her vulgarity and hate:

"@chelseahandler AGAIN body shames Sarah Sanders, proving Handler and her hypocrite Hollywood liberal supporters are among the ugliest people on the planet, on the inside, where it counts. Handler is vulgar, crude and crass, as are those who condone her crap"

Twitter's response was IMMEDIATE - even before I hit the TWEET button my account was locked! The reason? According to Twitter, my post "threatened violence against someone based on race, ethnicity etc. etc.".

Maybe I'm missing something, but I simply do not see any threat of any kind. What I see is someone who actually IS standing up for a woman who is being degraded by a "never was" comedienne in front of millions on TV.

And it calls out all her Hollywood liberal friends and supporters who condone Handler's  hate and abuse of other women. They could stop it by calling her out. But they don't, because they are just as hateful as Handler, herself. And that makes Chelsea Handler, and all who support her, among the ugliest people on the planet.

If Handler should ever decide to actually become a comedienne, and actually makes a stab at being funny without resorting to slamming others on a personal level simply because they disagree with her ideology, then maybe she can become relevant. But if she feels she can only achieve relevance  by hurting others, then she will never have any relevance except in her tiny little circle of other haters.

And it seems her circle of hate includes Twitter, which covers for them...


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