Sunday, January 29, 2017

Political Party Hacks vs The People

I am angry! Angry at the politicians who claim to be the protectors of minorities, the poor and the downtrodden, when in fact they do everything possible to harm them and keep them under the thumb of those same politicians.

Let me be clear - When I use the word Democrat with a capital D, or Republican with a capital R, I am not referring to democrats or republican folks on the street. I refer to the Democrats and Republican in public office. The politicians of both parties do not represent the members of their party very well.

Democrats say they are for the children, yet they support abortion on demand, and fight tooth and nail against school choice, which would help children of poor families and minorities to get out from under through a better education.

Those same Democrats claim to be protectors of minorities, yet the inner cities where they live are ignored and allowed to remain ghettos, where poverty and crime run rampant. They are forced, by Democrat policies, to subsist on hand-outs in the form of welfare, which robs them of their self-respect. How can they learn to respect others - their beliefs, property, or even lives - when they have no respect for themselves?

And those same Democrats want open borders, allowing access to our country to anyone who wants to come here, under the pretense of "compassion". Yet they have no compassion for our own citizens, who must take a back seat when it comes to college admittance and jobs. Nor do they have any compassion for American citizens who fall victim to crimes perpetrated by people here illegally - rape, murder, drugs...

And the Democrats support "sanctuary" cities that are sanctuaries for anyone EXCEPT American citizens. The illegal immigrant who murdered Kate Steinly was given sanctuary, but Kate Steinly was not.

It is time for the American public - democrats, republicans and independents - to call for Democrat politicians to start telling the truth as to their objective and intent, and why their policies are diametrically opposed to what they claim.

The Democrat politicians depend upon ignorant, uneducated and/or brainwashed people to keep them in office. Hillary Clinton made no secret that those people make up the base of the democrat party. That is why she and other Democrat politicians pander so much. How many of them would get elected if those people were to become educated, and better informed, and offered the same opportunities that the Democrat politicians, themselves, have?

Yes, I am angry. But not just at the Democrat politicians behind this outrage. I am angry with all the far-left liberal groups, funded by the billionaire fascist George Soros, for fanning the flames of hate and discontent that the Democrat politicians feed from. I am even angry at Republican politicians for being silent on these issues, and not fighting back as hard as they should, calling out the dishonest politicians at every turn.

And while I am angry, unlike those on the left I have no desire to riot, be destructive or use violence to achieve change. But I WILL stand and be counted.

Not to take Republican politicians off the hook, for the last 50 years they have sat back and done little to change things. They became enablers of Democrat policies. Until now.

And I am damned glad that Donald J Trump is ready, willing and able to grab the Democrat tiger by the tail and turn it inside out.

We need two honest, sincere political parties, both acting for the betterment of America. It's good to have two different roads to get to a destination, but both parties should have the same destination - a free, strong, moral, wealthy nation of well-educated people with self-respect and a sense of personal responsibility, number one in the world, second to none. But what we have had for over 50 years are two parties whose only purpose in life is to keep themselves in power, with little or no regard for what is best for America. They fail miserably at using that power to benefit the nation.


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