Friday, October 20, 2017

Why Liberals Are Rewriting History

From an article posted by over 25 years ago:

"WHEN THE COMMUNISTS TOOK OVER a country, one of the first things that they did was to confiscate all the privately-held weapons, to deny the people the physical ability to resist tyranny. But even more insidious than the theft of the people's weapons was the theft of their history (italics are mine). Official Communist "historians" rewrote history to fit the current party line. In many countries, revered national heroes were excised from the history books, or their real deeds were distorted to fit Communist ideology, and Communist killers and criminals were converted into official "saints." Holidays were declared in honor of the beasts who murdered countless nations."

Fast forward 25 years and here we are, with radical liberals attempting to ban our guns, destroy statues of historically important figures, and rewriting history to reflect a new reality that has little  basis in fact. Washington and Lincoln once had holidays in their honor. Now all we have is a generic "President's Day". We were told by liberals that holidays which honor individuals instead of accomplishments are wrong. But then those same liberals pushed for - and got - a special holiday honoring an individual - Martin Luther King Jr. - and vociferously opposed naming the day for the accomplishment (Civil Rights Day) instead of the individual.

And let us not overlook the current disrespect to our flag and National Anthem being pushed by the radical liberals of Black Lives Matter, another radical group funded by the billionaire socialist, George Soros.

And those same liberals who scream that Washington, Jefferson and Columbus were bad people, they idolize the likes of Che Guevera, Mao, Stalin & Lenin, Castro  - all of whom were responsible for the mass murder of millions. "Communist killers and criminals being converted into saints."

Look at what the George Soros funded groups of liberal activists are doing in America today, then re-read that excerpt above, published a quarter century ago.

Now tell me these radical liberals, called "Progressives", are not Hell-bent on destroying our Republic


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