Thursday, May 18, 2017

The Swamp Is Winning - Here Is How We Can Fight Back

We, the Deplorables elected a person to the White House for the express purpose of bringing government back into line, to be the servant of We, the People. We wanted someone who would fight for us, against the "powers that be."

But the "swamp" of Washington D.C. is incredibly large, deep, dirty and filled with every manner of despicable creature, all of which want to retain power. And to that end they will tell any lie, do any dirty deed, and be as dishonest as necessary.

These swamp creatures include many of those in Congress, from left-wing liberal Democrats who refuse to relinquish their power, to many establishment Republicans who also refuse to give up their own power, granted to them by the "establishment", not the people.

And these Washington rats are given cover by the liberal mainstream media, protecting the swamp creatures with fake news, dishonest, biased "reporting" and out-right subterfuge.

Too make things worse, there is a "deep state" arm of government that is dedicated to preserving the status quo. These are made up of establishment "public servants" dedicated to serving only themselves, and will torpedo anyone who gets in their way, using illegal leaks, phony stories and any other illicit means necessary.

Yes, the swamp is a powerful thing, and one man - President Donald Trump - is desperately trying to wrestle all the alligators into submission. But here's the fact we, the Deplorables must fully understand - without our help, without "We, the People" fighting back, the president is only one person, and doesn't stand much chance.

You gambled on Trump. You supported him through thick and thin. And now, when he actually needs our help, most of us sit idly by, thinking there is nothing we can do.


Here is what we can, and must, do:

1) Contact your elected Representatives and Senators, and push others to do the same, telling those disingenuous, power-hungry clowns that if they continue to subvert Trump's agenda, or even fail to fully support it, they will lose the power they are fighting to preserve, because they will be voted out of office.

2) Boycott ALL liberal mainstream media where they have replaced honest, unbiased reporting with partisan, political attacks, like pit bulls tearing apart a kitten. Do not buy their newspapers, magazines or watch their television poison. Do not visit their websites. Burn the NYT and Washington Post, and tune out the likes of CNN, ABC and shows like "The View".

3) Stop watching shows or movies featuring celebrities that publicly slander the president, just to get their sorry faces in the news, trying to stay relevant

4) Boycott any major advertiser of those media outlets, no matter who they are. Let the advertisers know that their support of such poison will cost them dearly.

5) Keep informed. Check in with honest reporters, like those on Fox News, or talk radio like Ingraham or Rush, to see who is doing what. When some moronic Senator like John McCain makes a stupid, unfounded assertion like when he said the Trump "scandal" is like Watergate, CONTACT that Senator, or representative, and straighten them out

6) Don't be afraid to be informed, and use that knowledge to spread the word. You would be surprised to learn how few people know there is a video of Comey, under oath before Congress just a few days ago, stating that no one at any time ever attempted to get him to stop any investigation. Yet, the purveyors of fabrication are telling us that there is a Comey "memo" stating Trump tried to tell Comey to stop the investigation, and they call it "obstruction of justice".

Get informed through reliable, honest media. Stay informed. And get out there and actually fight back against the forces of evil that inhabit the murky, stinking swamp. You can start by passing along this post.

And don't forget to vote accordingly.

And remember - the Bible clearly states that the deceivers are the Devils henchmen. It's time to choose sides.


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