Thursday, December 31, 2009

Political Poverty?

In doing some research on poverty in America, I ran across these statistics:

8 of the 10 states with the highest poverty level have NEVER had any Republican mayors in over 50 years. And the other two? They only had Republican leadership an average of 28% of the time, well below the national average.

One might try to rack this up to coincidence - but when you understand that Democrats tend toward entitlements that make poverty easier and Republicans tend toward programs that force folks to actually work and produce, you begin to see a pattern.

Now couple that pattern with this fact: 84% of poor people vote Democrat. When asked why, it boiled down to not wanting to bite the hand that feeds them. And this is why the poorest cities, like Detroit, keep electing the same party that put them in poverty in the first place.

It appears that the entitlement strategy of Democrats is DESIGNED to keep people poor, and make those people dependent upon the Democrats, resulting in votes.

Now, what ugly trend have we been seeing in Maine over the last two decades...

If I want something to lick me because I feed them, I'll get a dog, thank you.


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