Friday, December 18, 2009

Pardon Me

According to my education in basic civics, the government cannot spend money without it first being appropriated and allocated by the legislative body.

So it strikes me as more than just strange that no one seems to have picked up on, or questioned, Hilary Clinton's promise in Copenhagen that the "United States is willing to commit 100 billion dollars a year" to third-world nations.

I guess I must have been napping when Congress, with a three-fourths majority of all states, passed a Constitutional Amendment giving Mrs Clinton the sole authority to commit even so much as a dime without Congressional action and approval.

This only goes to further prove (as if it were necessary) that the socialist-minded politicians currently in control of the government seem to think they can do whatever they want, without having to answer to anyone. Well, that certainly is the socialist mindset!

Such arrogance - and ignorance. Mrs. Clinton, if you want to commit your own money, go right ahead. But you have absolutely zero authority to commit mine, or anyone elses's. Keep your grimy mitts outta my wallet.

I understand that Webster's Dictionary plans on adding "pickpocket" as a synonym for "liberal".

Also not to be ignored: according to a university study, twice as much stimulus money is going to democrat districts than to republican districts, apparently in an attempt to keep buying the democrats their seats. What is worse: it doesn't even matter what the unemployment rate is. Areas with the highest rates of unemployment are not getting the money unless they are in democrat districts. Hey Congress - this is America, and it's America's money. It is not to be used for partisan purposes.

Meanwhile, according to the Washington Examiner, Florida congressman Grayson (D) has asked to have a woman tossed in prison because her website criticizes him for his uncouth remarks against Republicans. And once again the liberal tendancy to shut down dissent is clear to all. What a loser that clown is - how on Earth did he or Franken get elected? Are the people in their districts comatose? In the Senate hearing yesterday, Franken shut down Lieberman because franken did not like what he was saying. So, he refused to let him finish.

Time to take your country back, America!


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