Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Maine's RiNO's

Most of the RiNO's (Republican in Name Only) were voted out in '06 and '08. The three exceptions were Specter (who turn-coated and became a Democrat in mid-stream), and both Snowe and Collins, both of Maine (who should have followed suit).

Snowe and Collins have a long history of siding with the Democrats more often than with Republicans, and really should consider registering as Democrats if they want to be honest and do the honorable thing, and stop lying to the voters.

Today, both of them voted with the Democrats (the only Republicans to do so) in shooting down an amendment in the health care bill that would have prohibited the use of taxpayer money to fund abortions.

This article is not about the pros and cons of abortion. It is about whether or not all Americans, even those morally opposed to abortion, should be forced to pay for abortions.

Apparently, Snowe and Collins are fine with using tax dollars to fund something that half the people find immoral.

They need to get something straight - you do NOT have any right to force citizens to participate in what their religion deems to be a sin. For those of you who claim to be Christian, bear in mind that the Bible states if you participate, even by silence, in a sin, or if you allow it to happen without fighting against it, then you are just as guilty of the sin as the person committing it. So, if tax dollars are allowed to be used to fund abortions, every single Christian in America becomes complicit, and is guilty of every abortion that tax dollars fund.

It would seem that neither Snowe nor Collins is a Christian, because they find no problem with forcing Christians into sin.

So, Maine has two Republican Senators, neither of which is Republican nor Christian. That means they are 1) dishonest, and 2) willing to compromise our right of religious freedom in their quest to kill babies.

By forcing abortion opponents to help pay for abortions is like forcing honest people to pay for the training of pick-pockets, or asking Jews to help pay to build a Roman Catholic Cathedral. It is unconscienable. I wonder how "fair" the abortion crowd would think it would be if taxpayer money were used to promote pro-life causes. I'm sure they would scream bloody murder - and they do not even have moral grounds to stand upon!

Snowe and Collins should be ashamed of themselves - as Senators, as Republicans, as Christians and as human beings! They disgust me.

For those who would ask where I stand on abortion...

As a Christian, I believe it to be a sin, but that is only my belief, and I do not impose that on others. If a person wants an abortion, that should be their choice, and they, alone, should have to face any consequences if they later discover there really is a God. But do not ask me to condone it, or pay for it. Whether it is abortion or anything else, I do NOT appreciate being forced to pay for other people's mistakes. Can't pay the mortgage because you bought a home you could not afford? Let the taxpayer take care of that for you. Didn't use a condom? Slept around? Got pregnant? No problem - get others to pay for your abortion.

Since when did America become so weak in character that no one is required to accept responsibility for their own mistakes and failures? We NEED to be able to fail, as that is how we learn, and grow. Thomas Edison gave us electricity to use only because he tried, and failed, over 400 other times to produce electric light. He learned what WOULD work by discovering what would NOT work. He failed his way to success - as we all must. You fall down a lot before you are finally able to walk.

But the liberals among us want to take all that away. They do not want to allow for failure, or have folks be responsible for their own actions and choices. And that is a very sick mentality to have.

Snowe and Collins -get your heads out of your butts and get acquainted with the real world if you want to represent the good folks of Maine.


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