Monday, December 28, 2009


OK, so here is the series of events:

Goof #1: A father tells the FBI that his son has been radicalized for jihad, and needs to be watched. He is put on a "watch list", but NOT on the "no fly" list.

Goof #2: This radical jihadist is granted a visa to come to America by Hilary Clinton's State Department.

Goof #3: This radical jihadist, on a watch list, is not searched, while Grandma Jones must go through a strip search.

Goof #4: When this jihadist tries to blow up the plain over Detroit (which would have likely improved Detroit), it was the passengers, not air marshals, who stopped and held him.

Goof #5: Director of Homeland Security Napolitano immediately issues a statement that "the system worked."

Goof #6: Napolitano then flips the next day and says "the system obviously failed."

Goof #7: Staff awoke Obama to tell him he won the Nobel Prize, but waited three hours to tell him of this incident.

Goof #8: Obama took three days to make a statement, giving the impression this terrorist attack was not important.

Goof #9: Obama blamed Bush security policies for this, even though the policies did not fail - the PEOPLE who are now entrusted to follow through on them (Obama's team) are the ones who failed.

Goof #10: Obama's administration decided to treat this as a crime, not terrorism, and the radical jihadist will be arraigned in District Court. Who knows - he may even get bail.

No matter how the liberals try to put some pretty ribbons on their spin, there is absolutely no doubt that this country is now in the hands of rank amateurs.


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