Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Why the House Really Doesn't Care About Bolton

Last year during the highly partisan impeachment hearings and inquiries the Democrat-controlled House issued many subpoenas in an attempt to force the President to choose between jeopardizing the power of the Presidency or to appear to be "obstructing" Congress. No matter which he chose, he would suffer harm, which was, of course, the entire purpose of the impeachment attempt.

One of those people the House subpoened was former Ambassador John Bolton.

But then something occurred that many did not understand - the House pulled that subpoena of Mr Bolton. The question is - WHY?

Two points to remember here:

1) The Democrats began to fear what Bolton would actually say, and figured his testimony might do the impeachment push insurmountable harm. They could not risk the possibility of failing to get the votes to impeach, and

2) More important, they decided than rather take that chance, they could use Bolton as a weapon to coerce the Senate to bend to the will of the House. By claiming a "cover-up" if the Senate refuses to subpoena Bolton, the Democrats again set up a win-win for themselves - if the Senate does not subpoena Bolton, the House will taint the Senate trial in the eyes of the public by claiming a cover-up. And if the Senate does subpoena him, they know his testimony, no matter which way it goes, cannot change the outcome but could possibly do damage to the Trump 2020 campaign. So, they win either way. 

The Democrats are not trying to convict Trump on their impeachment. They are only trying to tarnish him as much as possible before the election, and in the process, re-take the Senate. If they can get even a few vulnerable Republican senators to take risky votes at the trial, they just might damage them enough to flip those seats.

The Democrats know - are absolutely certain - they cannot beat Trump in 2020. But they also know they can make his re-election meaningless if they can take the Senate. Without the Senate, Trump can do nothing. He would effectively be neutered. That is just as good as beating him at the polls.

Here is the most important point - the Democrats are not really after Trump. They are after US! They need to take control of everything - what you say, read and thereby what you think. They want to control health care, guns, the news, what you eat and think. They have no use or respect for our Constitution except when it benefits them and their agenda to control. They have never liked that America is a Constitutional REPUBLIC - from Franklin Roosevelt they have actively tried to change our form of government to a democracy, which the founders actively and thoroughly opposed. But that is what the Democrats have been selling for 80 years, in their quest to control. By its very nature, a government CANNOT control a Republic, that government was kept in check by the power of each individual - our founders understood that. In a Republic the majority cannot twart the individual and his rights. But a democracy is easy to control - all you need is a simple majority, and the individual becomes a powerless peon.

In a nutshell - Democrats are not after Trump. They are after We, the People. Trump is just in their way.

Our job, regardless of anything else should be to KEEP someone "in their way", or our great nation is lost. We must keep our Republic. We must defend ALL of our natural and God-given rights against any who would try to gain more control over us by stripping away those rights. The ONLY reason they are coming out to disarm us through creeping gun controls is because it is only the 2nd Amendment that protects the rest of our rights. Without an armed citizenry, there is absolutely nothing to stop a government from stripping any and all other rights. After all, if the government has tanks and the people have only rocks to throw, what chance have we? The Second Amendment had nothing to doi with hunting. It had little to do with self-defense. founders specifically and clearly stated that the right to keep and bear arms was so the People could protect themselves from an encroaching tyrannical government - to keep them in check. They often stated, "Where a people fears its government, you have tyranny; but where a government fears the people you have liberty.

The American people are running out of time to catch on to the true agenda of the left - no, not all democrats. There are the small "d" democrats - the people who are just ordinary folks, and then there are the big "D" Democrats - the politicians with a hidden and corrupt agenda. Almost all the dangerous usurpers are the big "D" democrats in the democrat party. They are the ones pushing a progressive, or even as socialist agenda.

Frankly, I have little hope for America's future. The Progressives and socialists will eventually win because Republicans tend to be a "silent majority". It is not in the make-up of a conservative to cause trouble, or to speak out - conservatism tends to make a person content with the status quo. [NOTE: this is why almost all violent protests are on the left.] So, conservatives often don't bother to vote until they get riled. And because of the "quiet", unassuming nature of conservatives, they don't rile easily, so the progressives can slowly and methodically change the entire nation, and ultimately succeed in destroying the Republic so that they can gain, and hold, the power forever. And when that day comes - as it will - America will become just another tyrannical dictatorship.

And having succeeded at disarming us (look around - it is happening incrementally), there is nothing we will be able to do to stop them. Tanks vs rocks!

They are not after Trump. They are after us. And if we are smart, and stop sleeping on the job, we will always keep someone "in their way".


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