Saturday, January 25, 2020

Student Loan Forgiveness - The REAL Wrong Behind It

Many on the left are calling for the government to use taxpayer funds to forgive student loan debt. I am not going to get into the multi-trillion dollar cost that America cannot afford. I am going to get into the very real wrong that will be inflicted on the country if it ever becomes a reality.

What people like Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes are proposing needs to be outed for what it is - another way to cheat those who play by the rules, and reward those who do not.

Here is an example:

From the age of 15, John has worked after school, earning money for college. Washing dishes, mopping floors - whatever he could do. Meanwhile, his parents sacrificed their vacations, new cars and many other things, saving toward John's college. John goes to college, graduates, and has not relied on taxpayers to shell out any of the cost. No student loans.

Meanwhile, throughout school George spent his after-school hours and weekends playing hoop, hanging with the guys and dating girls. His family saved nothing for his college, figuring they could simply get student loans backed by taxpayers, and saddle George with a huge debt. They were under the misconception that a sheepskin would allow George to land a cushy job making the big bucks. He didn't because his liberal arts degree provides no marketable skills that will allow him to pay his debt.

In walks Warren or Sanders. As president, either would forgive the student loans. George, who did nothing to earn it, gets a free ride and taxpayers pick up the tab. Meanwhile, John, who along with his family, sacrificed everything and gets nothing - except, of course, the bill for George's college.

George pays nothing. John pays twice. Yet Warren and Sanders both claim that forgiving student loans is somehow "fair". It's not fair to anyone - not to George, who now thinks there are no consequences for poor choices; not to John, who has paid twice; not to John's parents who sacrificed everything for 20 years; and not to taxpayers, saddled with a huge debt that wasn't even theirs.

And it is not fair for America. The $30-40 Trillion it costs would have to come from the treasury. That would put America in a weakened state, leaving less money for essentials like infrastructure and military superiority. And it would place a heavier burden on taxpayers to make up the difference.

Certainly, taking the yoke of student debt off the necks of our young sounds good, but in reality it is just another massive redistribution of wealth that benefits no one in the end, and harms us all.


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