Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The REAL Deal On Dems & "The Wall"

Make no mistake about it - the Democrats in Congress do not really care if there is a wall or not, because they win either way.

I believe there is a better than good chance that Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer had a conversation with their fellow Democrats that went something like this:

"No matter what else we do or do not do, we absolutely cannot vote for ANY wall funding, even if you think a wall is needed. Here's why - to fund even $1.00 for a wall, we anger the far-left base that we need, and we also make Trump a winner, and help ensure his re-election. On the other hand, Trump would then be forced to either give up on the wall (and lose in 2020) OR declare a national emergency that we could use as a club to beat him over the head with as a dictator. In any scenario, whether the wall is built or not, we win! We do not cave in to funding it, but it gets built, anyway. America is safer. And while Trump pleases his base, gets heat for it among independents and the media would burn him at the stake."

Pelosi is clever. At least as clever as I. And if I were in her shoes that is what I would do. So I'm pretty sure this closely mirrors any conversation she had with her people.

Pelosi's "Achilles Heel" - she is counting on Republicans being unable to message very well, as that is their short suit to date. If Republicans - and Trump - can start messaging better, and put their message out in a way that voters actually understand, or even pay attention to, this entire ordeal could backfire on the Democrats. They need to stop stating facts and begin telling story lines, like the Democrats do (remember pushing Grandma over the cliff? And people STILL remember that, don't they?). Republicans need to stop being so analytical (which begins with ANAL), and more creative.
If you do not explain something in a way that teaches by way of entertainment, people won't pay enough attention to learn. Jesus knew that, and used parables to teach. Aesop knew it, and used fables.

If you want to teach a person anything, you must first gain and keep their attention by being entertaining, and then use the story to make the point clear. That is why we use entertaining stories like "The Little Engine That Could" to teach little children important life lessons. It was even the reason that old west "snake oil" salesmen always started their little show with a dancing girl, or storytelling.

Here's an idea for Republicans: create a cartoon of the story of "The Little Red Hen" with two different endings. The first ending would be just like the book. The instant replay would offer a second ending where the farmer takes her pies away and divides them among all the other animals that did nothing to help her. Which results in her becoming like those others and not planting a garden next year at all - what would be the point? No garden, no more pies.

Now THAT would catch a person's attention, and teach socialism vs capitalism in a way that people can visualize and understand.

Just sayin'...


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