Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Progressive Liberalism - Domestic Terrorism?

"It's A Good Life"
Twilight Zone, episode 73, 1961

Makes George Orwell's "1984" look like a Sunday picnic - and it is coming true before our eyes.

It's a nightmare scenario about an entire community that has been taken over by a brat who is a narcissistic and sociopathic monster with no conscience.  Anyone who thinks, says or does anything he does not like would result in being "sent to the cornfield," apparently a living death.  We know at some point he will be the only one left in an empty world. The other characters live in fear every moment. To survive they have to placate the brat by saying "That was a good thing you did. A real good thing." Failure to placate him would result in a punishment so dire as to be incomprehensible - like turning his own father (John Larch) into a Jack-In-The-Box.

His power to control everyone through his childish whims is an excellent allegory of the power of any dictator. It's enough to make Kim Jung Un, tyrant of North Korea, swoon with envy.
The monster brat says, "I hate anybody who doesn't like me". Sound familiar?

The lack of wisdom of a child with great power is, indeed scary. To see something so scary now reflected in real life is beyond scary.

Compare this "monster" child, with his power and tyranny over adults, to the progressive liberal view of the world of today, and how they punish anyone who says, does, or believes in things they don't like and you will find the comparison is truly frightening - George Orwell's "1984" on steroids.

Wear a MAGA hat and you are castrated in social media and your life threatened with being "thrown head first into a wood-chipper". Use actual pronouns like "he" or "she" and you can become little more than fodder for the rabid media who propagate such things. Stand up as a conservative and face endless investigations and threats. And if someone is "imperfect" in the eyes of progressives, they are undeserving of any respect - look at what they are doing to Christopher Columbus and Thomas Jefferson (they already got rid of Washington's and Lincoln's birthday on the calendar). And if you do not bow down and pay homage to the LBGTQ "community", or the #METOO movement, or man-hating feminist groups and Planned Parenthood, you will be boycotted, isolated and shunned by being banned from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and you can lose your job, your family - everything. You will be eviscerated by the left, and labeled as racist, homophobic, mysogynistic or any other derogatory term they decide is befitting of anyone who disagrees with them. They use fear to deprive you of your right to free speech, your right to practice your religion in whatever way you feel is necessary and appropriate, your right to due process and any other God-given right guaranteed in the Constitution.

And through it all, the rest of us - normal, God-fearing, patriotic Americans have become John Larch, "quaking in fear" of these tyrannical, childish haters.

That little boy in the "cornfield" episode is a terrorist. And so are those in the real world who act in much the same way, punishing all who think differently, or say things the left does not like. Anyone who does not see the similarity is either blind or is one of those "monster brats".

Frankly, this post doesn't go anywhere near far enough in depicting progressive liberals as real monsters, but my upbringing does not permit me to take it to level in which they belong.

In any case, they certainly fit the definition of fascist domestic terrorists, and that includes the media that aides and abets them.


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