Saturday, October 8, 2016

ObamaCare: Intentionally Designed to Fail? Of Course

Most people believe that Bill Clinton made a huge gaffe when he said Obamacare is an amazingly bad thing. But it was no gaffe - we now know the White House scripted Clinton's speech for him. And while it appears to be a dumb move, it is actually diabolical.

Six years ago I wrote that Obamacare was INTENTIONALLY designed to fail; that Obama and his minions actually wanted socialized medicine (single payer), but they knew the public would never go for it. So, they came up with a system that would destroy the current insurance plans (burn the bridges so we could not go back) and would ultimately fail, so "we the people" would clamor for it to be fixed. And lo and behold, the progressives would trot someone out with a fix - single payer!

Obama and Hillary fear that Obamacare would become an albatross hung around their necks at election time, so Obama scripted Bill Clinton's speech that trashed Obamacare. He also has scripted Hillary - she will come out and say that, yes, Obamacare is a debacle, but SHE can FIX it.

And if elected, make no mistake: she will aggressively push a single payer system - the same system (HillaryCare) she tried to push when Bill was president.

Diabolical. Well planned. But that is how progressives do things - in progressive steps.

Here's hoping that "we, the people" are too smart to fall for it. But I have my doubts. After all, 45% of the voters seem to be OK with all of Hillary's lies, all of her 30 years of scandals, and the corruption that oozes throughout government.

Perhaps that is because 47% of the people pay no taxes and she represents all the "free stuff" they will get under her administration. "Freebies" are a powerful incentive to vote for someone.

'Nuff said.

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