Monday, October 31, 2016

Hillary Must Think We're All Stupid

In 1964, Democrats ran a BOGUS ad called the "Daisy Ad", featuring a little girl with an atom bomb exploding in the background. Now, everyone knows that ad was bogus, and nothing less than a dirty trick (much like the lies Harry Reid tells about any Republican that threatens to win an election).

But Democrats were not content to leave that ad in the trash bin of political history. Nope!

The Hillary Clinton team decided to revive it by running an ad featuring that same girl - now a woman - stating that Trump cannot be trusted with nuclear weapons.

Apparently, the HRC team seems to think we are all so stupid as to believe that the woman, by virtue of having appeared in a political ad as a child, is somehow qualified to make such a claim, or to even assume she knows anything about nuclear weapons. She isn't, and doesn't.

Once again the Democrats have chosen to go low; to resort to fear mongering, and to hold a non-expert up as if she were the person who invented the bomb.

All that this shows is 1) desperation, and 2) the deception that has become a trademark of the Democrat party. They should change their symbol from a jackass to Pinocchio.


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