Sunday, August 14, 2016

Johnson Amendment A Violation Of Law

In 1954, Congress passed the Johnson Amendment, making it a violation for any non-profit to endorse any political candidate. This effectively muzzles the clergy, which is a violation of their Constitutional Right to both freedom of religion and freedom of speech. And here is a prime example why:

Let's say you decide to declare yourself a non-profit - John Doe Inc. - and get your non-profit status from the IRS because you plan to be a philanthropist and give away most of your income each year. Under the Johnson Amendment, you would no longer have the right to endorse any candidate. You forfeited your Constitutional Rights which, by law cannot happen.

Hillary Clinton stands up for the Johnson Amendment, and does not think it goes far enough. She has stated, on video, that "die-hard Christians will have to give up some of their beliefs" in favor of things like abortion. No candidate has ever been more anti-religious liberty.

In contrast, Donald Trump wants to do what should have been done 60 years ago - abolish the Johnson Amendment, and restore Constitutional rights to all.

The short take - if you believe the right to free speech and freedom of religion should be restricted to suit whatever political agenda a party - any party - might have, then Clinton is your best choice. But if you believe no person should have to forfeit their rights to suit a political agenda, then maybe Trump's your boy.

The choice is ours, as a nation, to make. I think Trump is a bit erratic and eccentric, but I also believe he will make better choices for us, particularly in his appointees to the Supreme Court. SCOTUS will rule our land for generations, not just 4 years. And that is the real issue in 2016. Save the Supreme Court from liberalism today, replace Trump in 2020.

With all the lies Hillary has been caught telling, it would be most unwise to believe anything she promises in order to pander for votes.


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