Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The "Game of Two Faces" That Democrats Play

Here I go, pissin' off Democrats again! But they make it so easy - and necessary. Please note - when I say Democrats (big "D"), I am speaking of Democrat Politicians. But democrat (small "d") voters are simply "useful pawns", as comrade Saul Alinsky so aptly put it.

Democrat politicians (not democrat voters) have a tendency to use a certain two-faced tactic to win elections, and it is incredible that democrat voters never catch on. Example:

Democrat politicians will pander to every minority group, making wonderful promises in order to get the votes. But they never actually come through - they never intended to. Unemployment is up in the black community, during the entire 8 year reign of a black Democrat president.

Take Hillary and the big banks and Wall Street as a specific example:

Hillary knows "the people" hate Wall Street and big banks (because Democrat politicians have poisoned that well). She campaigns that she will "take them down, beat 'em up", which makes voters happy. But what the voters haven't caught onto is that in just two years, Hillary has been paid $21 million by these same banks and Wall Street. Democrat voters never seem to bother asking the question, "Why would the big money give so much to the candidate that wants to destroy them?"

It's because they know Hillary will NOT harm them. And they give the money because they want her to be elected. And if that happens, the democrat voters will once again get screwed - and will forgive her, because Democrats keep pumping out the "freebies".

The point: when giving $225,000 speeches to Wall Street, Hillary lets them know she'll look out for them. She has to, because they have the money Democrats need. But then she turns around and promises voters she will take down those fat cats, because she needs their votes. And while she speaks from both sides of her mouth, the big money guys chuckle under their breath because once again they have succeeded in staying on top.

If you doubt the close relationship the Clintons have with the banks, you might want to recall Clinton's "Dream Act" - using the power of the presidency and the Attorney General to force banks to make risky loans (Bliley bill) which resulted in the crash of 2007-08. You might think that hurt the banks, but it actually made them wealthier as they packaged up those risky loans and sold them off as derivatives and stuck Fannie Mae with the problems. And then it was Democrats who BAILED OUT those banks with taxpayer money.

A THINKING voter would at least ask the question, "Does it make sense for Hillary to say she'll put the screws to fat cats, while all the while those same fat cats are funding her?"


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