Monday, June 13, 2016

Is Hillary's Support of LGBT's Phony?

It is understood by this writer that most liberals, if they read this at all, will find excuses, or even ignore the facts. That's okay - we have come to expect that. But for people with open minds, the truth becomes obvious.

Hillary Clinton insists she is a great supporter of the LGBT community. But that is nothing more than political bluster. She supports the LGBT community only because it is politically expedient, so she can garnish their votes. How do we know this?

The Clinton Foundation has raked in over $25,000,000 from countries where there is a death penalty for being gay or lesbian. Those countries do not give that kind of money unless they expect something in return. If Hillary Clinton REALLY has the best interests of the LGBT community at heart, she would not be cozying up to governments that actively murder gays.

I ask you - if you held a principle that was solid, and heartfelt, would you cozy up to those who want to destroy those principles? If you are truly opposed to drug use, for example, would you be friendly with drug dealers, and simply look away while they ply their trade, then have them over for dinner?

We're talking about actual PRINCIPLES here, not just buddying up to someone for the sole purpose of self indulgence, greed or diatribe designed to get votes.

If Hillary really believed in her phony support for the LGBT community, she would refuse money from those governments, and would at least call them out for their savage, uncivilized treatment of fellow human beings. But I am not hearing a peep from her on that.

The only thing ANY Clinton believes in is raking in the bucks. Of course, Bill also has other dubious hobbies...


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