Monday, June 13, 2016

Bill O'Reilly Off The Rails Again

Normally, I'm a big O'Reilly fan. Since 2001. But tonight he once again ran off the rails, this time on the issue of guns and the 2nd Amendment.

Bill stated that the 2nd Amendment guarantees us "the right to OWN guns, but not a right to CARRY them". That is actually diametrically opposed to what the Constitution clearly states:

"...the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

Mr. Bill should take note - we not only have a right to "keep", but also to "bear" arms. Perhaps Bill does not comprehend what "bearing" something means. It means to hold it. To carry it. To have it on our person. From the dictionary:

    "(of a person) carry: "he was bearing a tray of brimming glasses" 
synonyms: carry · bring · transport · move · convey

Having a gun tucked away in a safe, in your home, miles away - that is not "bearing arms", nor does it allow you to defend yourself.

More to the point - and this should be obvious even to Mr. Bill, we have not only a God-given right to defend ourselves, but the obligation to do so. Not just in our homes, but anywhere, any time. You cannot defend yourself from a maniac if your means of defense is miles away.

And now to the other important part of the 2nd Amendment that Mr. O'Reilly seems to miss - the right to keep AND BEAR arms shall not be INFRINGED. To infringe is defined in the dictionary as "to limit; encroach on". When anyone passes any law that limits or encroaches on the right to keep AND bear arms, they are violating the Constitution. No interpretation necessary.

Our Founding Fathers were not idiots. They spent many months debating the precise language that would say exactly what they intended, in such a way as to require no interpretation, as they wanted to make sure that every school child could read and understand the Constitution, and their rights. That is the only way to preserve them.

Bill, you should be ashamed of yourself, promoting such hogwash on "The Factor". It's supposed to be a "no spin zone". But you certainly did spin the 2nd Amendment. Bloomberg, Obama and Hillary could not have done it better.

We have a God-given right to keep and carry arms, and that right cannot be infringed upon. Period!


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