Friday, February 19, 2010


I must say I am a bit perplexed. For months the media has been obsessed with the Tiger Woods situation. Now today, upon his making a statement, all the media are jumping around on it like a drop of water on a hot frying pan. That's all you are hearing in the news today.

And I am perplexed because, aside from the media, I do not know of a single person who really gives a damn about this "story".

All that ever needed to be said on this, from day one, was, "Good golfer; lousy husband." End of story. It is not much different from thousands of other such stories.

I'm a good husband but a lousy golfer - and I'm not getting that kind of coverage!

Frankly, I'm getting tired of the garbage the media is trying to foist upon as as news. No one really gives a rat's you-know-what if Paris Hilton drives drunk; Britney Spears gets pregnant; or Tiger Woods hires a prostitute. The only ones who think it is news are the "news" outlets.

I think that is because the elites in the media are so obsessed with what other elites are doing. To them, no one else really exists except to provide their entertainment. The "little people" that make up 82% of the population are just the peons.

Except for FOX News, when was the last (or even the first) time you heard news about the farming valley in California that has dried up, literally, putting thousands out of work and destroying entire communities because the government shut off the water to protect a 6 inch fish no one cares about? No? Didn't get that on MSNBC or CNN? But I'll bet you heard all about the sordid affairs of a golfer.

Personally, I think Congress should pass a law that all celebrity "news" that does not include a capital crime or treason should be relegated to People and Rolling Stone magazines.


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