Monday, February 15, 2010

House of Cards

Every week it seems a new "bulletin" comes in to further prove the Global Warming alarm to be a hoax. This week is no exception, as the individual who actually wrote the original report cited by the U.N. and Al Gore has finally admitted that he did not really keep records, and much of what he wrote was just guesswork, and that there has been no substantial signs of global warming in 15 years. And he says that "warming periods" occurred two other times just since the Civil War, and each time it gave way to global cooling. He went on to say that the Earth has often warmed even more than this recent warming. Sounds just a wee bit like a cycle to me.

Really? Seems to me I have heard that somewhere before. Oh yeah, I remember. RIGHT HERE, on this blog. For two years I have been saying this, long before it was fashionable. For years I have been shouting from the rooftops that the normal temperature of the Earth is warmer than it is now, and the reason there are warming periods is simply because we are still coming out of the last ice age. In fact, the Earth experienced a mini ice age from approximately 1100 AD until approximately 1850. We are still coming out of that. So over time, we can expect additional warming periods as the Earth struggles to get back to normal.

So, now that Phil Jones has admitted his "science" was phony, and other senior "climategate" folks were discovered to have falsified data, you would think the idiots in Congress and the White House would back off - at least long enough to study this in detail. But no, the Democrats are intent on pushing forth their "global warming" bill (Cap & trade). Not because it would fight warming, but because it garnishes trillions in additional taxes, giving government even greater "Big Brother" control over our lives.

And that was the whole point in the first place. The United Nations, and many governments around the world want to "redistribute the wealth", and this global warming hoax was the perfect vehicle to help them do that.


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