Sunday, February 28, 2010

Pelosi vs The Real World

In a recent interview, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) stated that the Democrats will not lose control of the House in the upcoming midterm elections. That, in and of itself is humorous, but does not even come close to the ridiculous statements she made as to why she believes that.

According to Pelosi, "the people" will vote Democrat if the Democrats can get out the message of all they have done. My earnest question is, "WHAT have they done?" In 2008 they wrote and passed the first TARP bill. In 2009 they added another $800 billion to bailouts that did not work. Unemployment is much higher than it was when Obama got elected. Their cap & tax bill never passed. They wasted a year on a bogus health care bill when they should have been focused on jobs. And they are coddling terrorists, offering them Miranda Rights and civilian court trials designed to waste billions of taxpayer dollars.

Not to mention that since they took power in 2006, a total of 57 Democrats have been caught in corrupt or immoral acts that run the gamut of wrongdoing. Even you, Ms. Pelosi, going on camera saying the CIA never told you about waterboarding, and now reports have come out that prove you either lied about that, or you suffer from senility - in either case, it makes you unqualified to serve.

I have a suggestion for Ms. Pelosi - the Democrats may fare better in the elections if they try to HIDE what they have done.

But not to leave us without a good laugh, Pelosi then went even further, making the absolute absurd claim that the "Tea Partiers" will likely vote Democrat because they have so much in common with Democrats. The example she gave was a "shared dislike of special interests."Oh, you mean like the Unions, whose head, Andy Stearn has visited the White House more often than any other person? Or like all the special interests that became apparent as the Democrats tried to float their health care bill - interests like Big Pharma?

According to recent studies, the lion's share of special interest money is funneled to Democrats, and there are far more lobbyists who were formerly Democrat politicians (like Tom Daschle) than any other group.

Ms. Pelosi, anyone who stays current on the news already knows you cannot tell the truth to save your soul. So when you say the Democrats will keep the House, that almost guarantees that they will lose the House. Thank you.


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