Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Slice of Fact

There has been a lot of bantering back and forth about "global warming", but it appears that most folks are completely unaware of a very important fact - perhaps the MOST important fact. And I believe they are unaware by design - the powers that stand to make billions of dollars fighting "global warming" certainly do not want the folks to know the whole truth.

With every Ice Age throughout history, the subsequent re-warming of the Earth would take many, many years - in the case of the last Great Ice Age 40,000 years ago, it took millennia for the Earth to normalize its temperature.

Now, here is a slice of fact that the GW crowd is not telling - the Earth suffered a "mini" Ice Age from about 1150 AD-1850 AD. (For complete info on this, and its impact on every segment of society, see This has been thoroughly documented. It is indisputable fact. During the Little Ice Age of 1150-1850, the records show that glaciers were on the move...

1595: Gietroz (Switzerland) glacier advances, dammed Dranse River, and caused flooding of Bagne with 70 deaths.

1600-10: Advances by Chamonix (France) glaciers cause massive floods which destroyed three villages and severely damaged a fourth. One village had stood since the 1200's.

1670-80's: Maximum historical advances by glaciers in eastern Alps. Noticeable decline of human population by this time in areas close to glaciers, whereas population elsewhere in Europe had risen.

1695-1709: Iceland glaciers advance dramatically, destroying farms.

1710-1735: A glacier in Norway was advancing at a rate of 100 m per year for 25 years.

1748-50: Norwegian glaciers achieved their historical maximum LIA positions.

The Little Ice Age ended roughly around 1850. Since then, the Earth has been attempting to normalize its temperatures. Normally, if cooling events were to never occur, the Earth's average mean temperature would be warmer than it is today.

Now here is another indisputable fact - it would take 100-300 years for the Earth's temperature to normalize from that period of cooling. The range is wide because other events can speed or slow the normalization, such as volcano emissions and solar flare activity.

Therefore, it is perfectly natural, and expected, that the temperatures throughout the 1900's would, on average, be getting warmer, as the Earth is simply getting back to "normal".

Another little known fact the GW crowd keeps hidden - throughout the 4.5 billion year life of this planet, more than 80% of that time the Earth has been warmer than it is now, and there were no ice caps at all (a bit of trivia - the famed Piri Reis map, originally drawn supposedly during the period of Alexander the Great or earlier, accurately shows the land mass that is beneath the ice in Antarctica, and shows no ice at all). The Earth is NATURALLY and NORMALLY warmer than what it is today. We are simply recovering from the last mini Ice Age. And it is entirely possible that circumstances beyond our control will cause yet another mini Ice Age at some point.

Is the climate changing? Of course it is!. And every SANE scientist will tell you it is always and constantly changing. That is why it is impossible for experts to tell us what the weather will be in 10 days, let alone in 100 years.

The National Weather Bureau states the Earth suffered a "cold spell" from 1950-1980, which is what generated all those Time Magazine articles by "experts" that cried we were heading into an Ice Age. But we did not, now did we?

So, folks, here is the truth of the matter. The earth is getting warmer, on average, because it is trying to normalize itself. And there is nothing we can - or should - do about it. Trying to hold back nature by artificial means is not unlike the Fed trying to artifically keep the economy growing, which caused a disaster when the bubble burst. Eventually, nature will win out. We can either accept the flowing river, or try to dam it up, then suffer a greater catastrophe when the dam eventually breaks (recall the New Orleans levies).

This is not to say that the Earth will continue to warm on a steady basis. Nature does not work that way. In the process of warming, there will be events that interrupt the warming, and mini ice ages may occur, or cooling spells may become evident, as happened from 1950-1980 (and seems to be happening again, as the temps have been generally cooler since 2001).

Wake up, people. Do not fall for "Chicken Little" cries that the sky is falling. Just because some self-proclaimed experts say it is true does not make it true. For a thousand years the "experts" taught everyone that the Earth was flat. The "experts" claimed the sun revolved around the Earth. The "experts" said we would never walk on the moon. And as recently as 1972 the "experts" were saying a new Ice age was upon us.

And now those "experts" are telling us that global warming is caused by man, and will destroy us.

I suggest you take the "experts" with more than a mere grain of salt.


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