Saturday, June 27, 2009


When I first decided to write this entry, the title "Losers" was meant to pertain to Maine's extremely poor choice of representatives, Pingree and Michaud, because those jackasses voted for the Cap & Trade Energy Tax that is going to cost every family in America between $2000-$3000 each and every year, for starters. It will also force the emmigration of millions of jobs to India and China, as many large businesses are already planning to leave the U.S. rather than be bankrupted by this tax.

But almost immediately after writing the title, it occured to me that, because of those clowns, we are all going to be losers.

And I have to wonder if the people who voted for those mindless lemmings, Pingree and Michaud, actually ENJOY getting screwed all the time, or if they are simply apathetic to it, having been screwed by so many for so long.

Maybe apathetic is the wrong word - pathetic might be better suited.

As Thomas Jefferson so aptly put it, "everyone gets the government they deserve." Well, though we have a great country, we certainly have a government that sucks, big time. And while it might be easy to blame our representatives and senators, the ones at fault are the people who keep ELECTING them into office, over and over. Is that you? Anyone who voted for them, and anyone who never even showed up at the polls, are the people responsible.

If you are sadistic and like punishment, fine - that's your personal pleasure. But do not force your sadism on the rest of us by re-electing those bumpkins. They did not even have a clue what this cap & trade bill was really all about. They had no clue it would force jobs out of America. They had no clue that every single item you buy will now cost more, if the Senate also passes this socialist atrocity. Because, if a person uses more than one brain cell at a time, they would quickly realize that every single thing we use depends on energy to produce, and energy to ship. So, a tax on using energy will not simply affect your light and heat bill - it will affect the cost of bread, milk, clothes, medicine - every blessed thing, including the hairdresser - after all, if her costs are going to go up, she is going to pass it along to you. Get it? Your representatives didn't, and I seriously doubt if those mental midgets we call our senators, Snowe and Collins, will get it.

And guess what? If this bill passes, you probably will not be allowed to sell your home without first spending thousands bringing it up to the new "green code". That's right, folks. If your home is not as energy efficient as the government likes, you cannot sell it until you bring it in line. And forget about you or your kids ever building a new home, or buying a home - this bill states that no home can be built anywhere in America unless it meets the "green" standards of California liberals - you know, the same standards that forced Californians to pay twice as much to build a home, resulting in extremely high home prices. So, if it costs $300,000 to build the $150,000 home, your kids will either have to go in hock for $300K, or spend their lives in apartments. Nice, huh? So much for "change" and "hope".

And if you like it warm in the winter or cool in the summer? Forget it. You can be fined or taxed if you use more energy than the government thinks you should. The bill includes the cost of building and implementing a new "smart grid" which will effectively "ration" energy to each and every home.

And for car buffs who like to cruise their classics and go to shows - IF the government permits it, you can expect it to cost you a lot more.

And if you think heating with wood, cut from your own property will allow you to escape, forget it - the bill includes taxing the use of wood for fuel, regardless of the source.

Well, folks, you have a choice - you can just chalk it up, and allow government total control over your lives through this cap & trade energy bill, or you can do what you did NOT do with your representatives and actually get off the couch and call your senators, and tell them if they vote YES, you will vote NO come next election, and they will be on the same unemployment line as the rest of us.

After all, one passed, the damage cannot be undone, even if you elect all Republicans or Independents. Once a corporation expends tens of millions to move overseas, you cannot expect them to toss that away and move back. And once the "smart grid" is online, it will be the ONLY grid available. So, folks, you have ONE CHANCE to save yourselves and your families - contact your senators, and be very explicit about how you vote next time will be tied to the way they vote on this bill.

This one bill, if passed, will make the people the servants of the government - just the opposite of what the founding fathers designed, and the opposite of what made America great up until now.

Some actual highlights of the Cap & Trade Energy Bill:

  • Tax on the use of energy, which will increase the cost of everything manufactured or transported - which is everything
  • Businesses moving out of the U.S. to avoid the tax, so jobs will disappear
  • "Smart grid", which will monitor your energy use and fine you for using more than the government thinks you should
  • All new construction must meet expensive "green" standards, which has helped bankrupt California. This will push up the cost of all housing.
  • Homesellers cannot sell without first bringing their home up to the "green code", at a cost of many thousands of dollars. Before selling, government inspectors will first have to inspect your home for efficiency.
  • Although ethanol has proven to be worse for the environment than fossil fuel, the bill mandates the use of more, not less. This will increase the cost of food as agricultural land will be used to grow fuel instead of food.
All this to "fight global warming", even though the EPA reports none of it will reduce carbon emissions.

(202) 225-4611
(202) 225-7761
(202) 225-3765
(202) 225-4165

Tell them NO to the Cap & Trade Energy Bill.

As a side note: Today the EPA released a 98 page report stating that worlwide temperatures are declining (getting COLDER, folks), and have been for several years (since 2001, as I reported months ago). The report also states these findings have been withheld by the government. Hm-m-m. Global warming, which is the "disaster" that this energy bill is supposed to address, is bogus. So, it seems the government has a different agenda than climate control. How about CITIZEN CONTROL?


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