Friday, June 19, 2009

Growing A Tree (Socialism In America)

Most informed Americans know who Saul Alinski was - he was a Leninist who wrote books in the 60's teaching the youth how to turn America socialist within their lifetime. Barak Obama admittedly studied under Alinski, and it is beginning to show.

But aside from that, let us look at what has happened, according to what is already known and proven, but to date, not many have made the connections.

Two of Alinski's most avid followers were Paul Booth and his current wife, Heather Booth. Those two individuals founded the "Students for Democratic Society", a group whose mandate was socialism, as defined by Alinski.

Now, two of the most notable members of the SDS were Wade Rafke, who founded ACORN, and Bill Ayers, the radical, socialist homegrown terrorist of the 60's and 70's. He even admitted to his bombings of the Pentagon and NY police Stations.

ACORN is being investigated for voter registration fraud in about 36 states. And although they have received $53 million in taxpayer funds, they refuse to open their books to public scrutiny.

ACORN is primarily responsible for the passing of the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977, under Jimmy Carter, which forced banks to make risky loans to people who could not afford to repay them. And Barak Obama, community organizer, worked with and respresented ACORN. Coincidentally, Mr. Obama was also closely associated with Bill Ayers. Remember, both Ayers and ACORN are branches of the Saul Alinski Tree of Socialism. Barak Obama studied under Alinski, worked with ACORN, and is personally associated with Ayers.

Yet, his glib tongue has allowed him to convince millions of uninformed Americans that he is not a socialist. And all the while he is socializing Wall Street, AIG, the auto companies, and now the health care system. And he is currently planning to change the Federal Reserve, making it the de facto government of the United States.

Frankly, I am a bit old fashioned. I happen to believe that the nut (ACORN) does not fall far from the (socialism) tree. And I believe that you can, indeed, know a person by the company he keeps.

And when I say Barak Obama is a socialist follower of Alinski and associate of ACORN, Ayers, Reverend Wright and many in the corrupt Chicago Political Machine, I am not guessing. Unlike those who are hypnotized by his glib tongue and charismatic smile, I judge the man by his actions and associations.

I know a socialist when I see one.


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