Monday, March 30, 2020

COVID-19 May Not Be What We've Been Sold


This is going to sound like a conspiracy theory, but there is just too much evidence to discount it off-hand.

The mainstream media and certain other parties that I will point out in a moment have been ginning up fear and using this crisis to push a vile agenda. In fact, as shown below, there are at least three groups of people (four, if you think the deep state should be seen separate from the Democrat party) with a very, very strong interest in making this crisis much worse than it should be.

China has a real desperate need to defeat Trump in the next election, as he is decimating their economy and their power throughout the world. He is single-handedly destroying their stated objective to have world domination by 2035.

The "deep state" has a similar problem - for decades they have been the wizard behind the curtain, pulling all the strings and running America their way. Donald Trump has proved to be a real threat to their power and they will stop at nothing to stop him.

The Democrat party also has a very strong need to destroy Trump - he is pulling back their curtain, as well. Democrats, as Barack Obama stated so clearly, want to "fundamentally transform America". This would require the destruction, or at least the weakening, of the United States Constitution. You might have noticed - Democrat politicians nationwide have been using this crisis to suspend our Constitutional rights - and coincidentally, the same rights they have long wanted to discard: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to bear arms, due process, just to name a few.

And let's not forget the other Democrat mantra: "Never let a crisis go to waste". They haven't!

And then there is the left-wing media, which have been attempting to regain their place in the public eye, where they would once again be the only source of "news" (liberal brainwashing) for the masses. For decades, until the internet, they held unfettered control over what we saw, heard and believed. They want that back, but Donald Trump has called them out, and shown us all the corruption that exists in the mainstream media.

All of those groups have a need to destroy Donald Trump's presidency - each for their own reasons, but all working to create and use this crisis to fulfill their agendas.

They are not coming for Trump, really. They are coming for US, all of us, and Trump is just in their way.

Let's lay it all out:

1) China, with the Gates Foundation and Anthony Fauci, creates the WuHan virus in November 2019, coincidentally "discovered" near the biological WuHan Institute of Virology lab. I will go on record that the virus was created at the WuHan Lab and released, possibly as a bio-weapon. China then withholds almost all information concerning the virus, giving it plenty of time to circulate the globe.

2) The virus becomes "known" to the rest of the world by mid to late December. The Democrats in Congress ignore it - they are busy impeaching a president.

3) By early January, it is an epidemic, and the Administration (the CDC in this case) issues a travel advisory. The Democrats continue to ignore it, still focused on impeaching a president.

4) January 31, President Trump begins to impose a travel ban on all travel from China. Democrats cry out that he is being racist and xenophobic, and his ban is the worst thing he could do. The left-wing media jumps on board, with those same cries, and adding that the "Chinese virus is just another flu, nothing to worry about (those headlines and articles are all found online). That headline was in virtually every newspaper and on every news station, EXCEPT FoxNews and OANN.

5) The World Health Organization, funded primarily by China, had played down the virus as long as they could, also calling it "just another flu", but by February they were forced to call it a pandemic, even though outside of China, cases were quite rare.

6) Weeks after the WHO lists it as a pandemic, Democrat politicians were telling their constituents to just go out and mix it up. One tells them to go to the theater on Feb 5th. Others tell the people to hang out in the parks, not to worry. Party it up. Go to bars. Among the more prominent Democrats calling for excessive mingling are names like Cuomo, de Blasio, and yes, even Pelosi and Schumer - they are all on video making those proclamations as late as early march! And governors like MI Governor Whitmer (D) first refused to accept help, then blamed Trump for not getting any, and now locks down her state - and in the process, calls all gun related businesses as "non-essential" and must be closed, as several other Democrat governors have done. And now there is that fraud, Dr. Anthony Fauci - the man responsible for countless deaths because he subverted HIV research of which he was in charge 30 years ago. He is going to get many, many more people killed. Millions, at least

A side note to show an agenda is being pushed: those same Democrat governors that are closing gun shops and churches as "non-essential" have all kept abortion clinics and liquor stores open.

It's enough to think the Democrats were actually trying to make the crisis worse, to have a bigger crisis to push their agenda.

7) Meanwhile, the mainstream media has been fear mongering - pushing people to start panicking, hoarding and tanking the markets, wearing dangerous, germ-ridden masks when all the science says they do not work, and in fact, they actually harm wearers. Don't feed into it! I do not mask up, or lock down. Period.

To exacerbate the panic, they roll out "PCR" tests to check for infection. But the PCR test was not even invented for detecting Covid- 19, and if it detects it at all it is only because it will detect ANY coronavirus, including colds and flu. They KNOW this, and use it to make this phony pandemic appear to be real. Just wait, folks - the 2020 flu season will not exist - the flu will be called Covid. You can take that to the bank!

Even more insidious - those PCR test swabs do not need to be inserted all the way to the blood/brain barrier - any virus would appear in the lower nose. The test swabs are made to breach the blood/brain barrier, allowing the toxins in any future vaccination to enter the brain. I also suspect the swabs, themselves are "mini vaccinations", introducing the toxins directly to the brain. We will likely learn this when it is too late.

Together, these facts create a golden situation for the parties involved - a tanking economy is the best way to hurt Trump's legacy. So they push harder. They push for unnecessary lockdowns, having already worked hard to spread the disease - you may notice the greatest, fastest spreading occurred in Democrat held cities. The media called for lockdowns, and Democrat politicians  were quick to accommodate. Both the media and the Democrats know that lockdowns mean businesses must be closed. Closed businesses mean much higher unemployment rates, which take away Trump's claim for the lowest rates in history. And they know that, taken together, tanking markets, high unemployment and closed businesses would utterly destroy the "Trump economy" - his strongest point for re-election. It also funnels all money to the large corporations, which are still operating (and belong to globalists).

Meanwhile, the press uses ginned up fake news to show how bad the crisis is. Pictures of crowded hospitals, stories of deaths. But people on Twitter began to notice that those "hospital pictures" were fake - the media was using a scene at an Italian hospital and claiming it was here in America. And they also discovered that many deaths the media attributed to COVID-19 were actually caused by other things, as pointed out by their relatives. It was being spiked! People began going to their own hospitals to see for themselves, and posted hundreds of pictures of EMPTY hospitals, and not the "overcrowding" promoted by the media and dishonest Democrats. Sure - in Democrat run cities where the politicians intentionally helped spread the disease as in New York City, their hospitals may be overrun. But that appears to have been manufactured by the Democrats who caused excess spreading in an attempt to destroy Trump by destroying much of America.

And now people are noticing that Democrat politicians, not letting a crisis go to waste, are actually usurping the Constitution and getting us accustomed to having certain pesky rights taken away. They ban church services, as Governor Northam of Virginia, and Mayor Bill diBlasio have done, even proclaiming they have a right to close them permanently, if they wish. They do not have the authority to ban them even for one day.

Democrat politicians are using this crisis to take away the right to buy guns, by closing all gun shops, and to ban church services so the people cannot gather and figure out what is going on. And they use the crisis to stifle free speech, whenever someone speaks out against what they are doing. In fact, a liberal court recently ruled that social media can legally delete and even prevent conservative posts and views. Censorship is becoming legal. Mark my words - we are headed full-tilt toward communism, and if we do not stop it now, we will live to see our government bring in United Nations stormtroopers to beat us into submission.

Finally, we should all be asking - why have the W.H.O. and CDC NOT done a random sampling, to find out what the real numbers are. Random samples are used to determine paths and actual probable numbers, since it is not possible to test every human on the planet. Random sampling is typically the FIRST thing CDC and WHO would do in any epidemic. It is standard operating procedure. So we should be demanding to know why it was not done by anyone this time! What are they trying to conceal?

They are trying to conceal the fact that Covid-19, the PCR tests and everything related to it is a grand HOAX. It is the seasonal flu, being hyped up with false testing, false "cases" and false death counts.

There is more. MUCH more. I could cite hundreds of examples of how these groups are exerting a concerted effort to effectively exact a coup to take over the country. And believe me - they are very close to accomplishing that!

We, the People, in order to protect and preserve the American way of life, of liberty and self-reliance must wake up to what is going on right in front of our faces, and refuse to be unwitting participants in our own destruction. We must WAKE UP, and STAND UP, and fight for our country as if this is a war - because it is!

Conspiracy theory? Perhaps. But "theories" often turn out to be factual. If you see the potential danger; if you are concerned for our country and our freedoms, please pass this article on to everyone you know.


Tuesday, March 24, 2020

A Tale of Pindarovia & the Poison Pill

[Reprinted from 2010 post - still applicable]

It is surprising how few people understand the trickery and deceit practiced by one political party. People would do well to pay attention to the tale of Pindarovia, which I wrote and posted several years ago.

The people of the kingdom of Pindarovia were strong and independent. So much so that the tryannical king needed to find a way to weaken them enough so he could keep them under his complete control. He knew the best way to do that would be to first weaken them, then make them dependent upon him for their very lives.

The king went to his wizard to find a way to accomplish the task. The wizard gave the king a potion that, when ingested, would weaken even the strongest of men.

The king, being a wiley man, knew his people would not willingly drink of the foul potion. So he had his cooks make a recipe to make the potion appealing. They added sugar, blueberries and served it up with ice cream on the side.

When one wise man stood and tried to warn the people that this would be bad for them, the king merely said, "Why would you want to keep the people from having blueberries? Why would you want to deprive them of ice cream? How can you be so cruel and wrong-headed?"

And the people, wanting the ice cream and blueberries, were fooled into taking the potion. And they were weakened, and became dependent upon the king for their survival.

Now, you might think this is only a cute little story. But it is much more than that. This sort of thing goes on all the time. Remember all those people who drank the poison believing it to be Kool-Aid at Jonestown?

And then the "Affordable health care" bill. The liberals added a few good things, like covering children with pre-existing conditions, and used those things to "sweeten" the poison that is in the bill. And when a conservative steps up and says this is a bad bill, the liberals say, "Why would you be against covering kids with pre-existing conditions? What kind of monster are you?"

The truth is, conservatives are not against the blueberries or the ice cream. They are against the poison that is being delivered with it.

And when liberals try to accuse conservatives of not caring about the people, they are blatantly lying. They know that is not true, but they use that to con the people into thinking that conservatives are bad.

So here is the difference - liberals give you blueberries and ice cream to get you to eat the poison. Conservatives want you to have the blueberries and ice cream, but without the poison. Democrat politicians ALWAYS insert a "poison pill" into every piece of legislation they propose, because that makes it impossible for them to lose - if the legislation passes, their poison becomes law (like the taxes & penalties in ObamaCare), and if the legislation fails, they get to beat up the Republicans for denying the people the "blueberries and ice cream". I repeat - EVERY piece of Democrat legislation includes a poison pill.

Whenever you hear Democrats claim that Republicans are mean, cruel, hate women, hate children, want dirty water and air etc., it is because they inserted poison into an otherwise beneficial bill, and the Republicans shot down the bill because of the poison pill. Think about that the next time you hear Democrats make such claims, and take the time to look for the "poison pill" in their bill.

And the sooner people stop being fooled by the wiley king and begin listening to the truth, the better off we will all be.


A Tribute to Cooper - More Than Just A Dog

[Reprinted from 2017 post, in memory of Cooper]

Three and a half years ago we met Cooper. A mini schnauzer-pitbull mix, he had been mistreated for 8 long years, and had been used as a "bait dog", purposely made aggressive by people who do not belong in the human race.

The first time I met Coop, he bit me! And whereas we already had four other mini schnauzers and two cats, it did not look like there could possibly be a home with us - a "rescue" that was unlikely to ever be rescued. So, we told the shelter people to take him back - it could not possibly work. And Cooper was destined to be put down.

But the next day we were back at the shelter, to bring the boy home with us. One way or another, Cooper was going to have a loving home for whatever time he had left. We would find a way to make it work.

And work is what it took. But it wasn't long before Cooper came to understand that he finally had a home. A family. And people who loved him. And he loved us back.

The first thing we did was remove the spike collar that had the spikes on the inside, which had made it easier for them to control him. He never saw that monstrosity again. He had a huge yard to romp in, and 13 acres to roam with his new brothers and sisters. And for the next three and a half years, Cooper spent the evenings in my wife's lap, and his days playing, sleeping, and, of course, eating! There was no doubt he was finally happy. He knew he was home. We had rescued him - and he had rescued us!

Lately, Cooper had been losing his senses, which caused him to be easily startled, and was suffering from arthritis. And this would bring out his earlier training as a bait dog - to snap and bite in what he deemed to be self-defense. And we realized, much to our sorrow, that while we were able to rescue Cooper from his present, we could not rescue him from his past.

Having attacked the other dogs and hurting them when he was startled, we knew it was time to let Cooper - that sweet, loving friend - return to the arms of the Lord.

Today we said good-bye to him.  We stayed with him to the end. And for the first time in over 60 years I am crying. And my wife is crying, uncontrollably. Crying for Cooper, who was cheated. Crying for us - also cheated. And all because some people who are not worthy of life had ruined so much of his.

We love you, Cooper! And we will forever miss you. And in spite of the hurt we now feel, having you in our lives these last few years has been worth it, in spades!

Good-bye, sweet, loving friend...


Monday, March 16, 2020

CoVID19 - Natural Occurrence - or Biological Warfare?

"BEIJING (AP) — Scientists in the city at the center of China’s virus outbreak have applied to patent a drug, remdesivir, made by U.S. company Gilead Sciences Inc. to treat the disease, possibly fueling conflict over technology policy that helped trigger Washington’s tariff war with Beijing. The government-run Wuhan Institute of Virology said this week it applied for the patent in January"

Let's look at a little history...

In 2002 a new, unheard of deadly virus, SARS, came out of China. In 2019, another new, unheard of deadly virus, CoVid19, came out of China. Is this a coincidence, or biological warfare?

Now let's look a bit deeper, based on existing facts as we now understand them

  • The epidemic began in WuHan, Hubei, China in November 2019 when the virus was released from the WuHan lab and began spreading rapidly in December 2019
  • In January 2020 - just weeks later - China applies for a patent for Remdevisir, a drug apparently designed to "cure" ebola, and now  CoVid-19
  • By February 2020, the spread of the virus in China leveled off, and the vast majority of confirmed cases was deemed "recovered", according to Chinese officials. In China, people stopped dying of CoVid-19, apparently
  • In the rest of the world, recoveries are nearly non-existent as of March 17, 2020, and the virus continues to spread

This would lead most intelligent people to be more than just a little suspicious.  And while there is no empirical proof of the following, I contend it makes a lot more sense than any other possibilities being floated. So, here goes a hypothesis:

In 2002, China's biological warfare scientists create a deadly virus designed to decimate enemy populations in their quest for what they had already publicly stated - to be the dominant world power by 2035. Dubbed SARS, the coronavirus was only moderately effective - it did not spread fast enough nor far enough, and did not decimate.

China's biological warfare scientists go back to the drawing board.  At Wuhan Institute of Virology in Hubei province, where we know there is a lab that works with biologics (and reportedly financed, in part or whole, by eugenicist George Soros), another deadly coronavirus is developed in 2019. The same lab is tasked with finding a vaccine, or cure, for CoVid-19.

Now, China has a deadly virus, and before unleashing it, created the antidote, remdevisir, for which they applied for a patent. The actual drug was developed in Wuhan by a U.S. company, Gilead Science Inc. But because China owns anything created by American companies in China, China gets to file for the patent. They, and they alone own it.

Now the time has come to test both the virus and the antidote. They release a tiny amount of the virus in a local open air market, as a cover, since such places are seen as breeding grounds for disease.

It spreads, Fast. And many die. China now knows exactly the efficacy of their weapon, and set out with their antidote to stop the spread in China, knowing it has already done its job and has begun to spread across the globe. The Chinese victims still alive are given the antidote resulting in an unbelievable rate of recovery. It is no longer an epidemic in China. Or so it seems - Remdesivir may not be a true cure, and is not even necessary whereas we have hydroxychloroquine which works pretty well...

The rest of the world, however, is being ravaged. Populations, it appears, may well be decimated, and not just from the "virus". Deaths caused by lockdowns, depression, drug overdoses are escalating faster than deaths from Covid, and masks, which many are wearing thinking they will help (they will not) and likely yo be mandated, long ago were proven to instill harm to the human body and will prove to be the great, silent killer due to oxygen depletion and re-inhaling toxins the lungs were trying to get rid of. And as a sweet bonus - the economies of the free world nations are crumbling as panic takes over and common sense flies out the window.

It is now March 17, 2020. And if China does, indeed, have a cure, it is only a question of time before they make it available to a panicking world population - at whatever cost they want to assess, perhaps at $1000 or more a pop. The world would be at their mercy.

But all is not necessarily lost. American ingenuity and spirit may well prevail by coming up with their own antidote. But unlike China, who appears to have already had it in readiness, we would be coming forth after the fact - after a lot of health and financial damage has been done.

Again, we can just chalk all the known events up to coincidence.

I don't believe in that much coincidence...

[Brought to you as a PSA by "The Simple Man's Guide top Real Estate Investing"]


Tuesday, March 10, 2020

"National Abortion Provider Appreciation Day" - Are They JOKING?

Hard to believe that in any civilized society that there would be a "National Abortion Provider Appreciation Day". A special day just to honor those who murder helpless babies! 

It takes a sick mind to come up with something so grotesque as to actually celebrate such a gruesome, dastardly stain on humanity.

Dubbed "Hand of Hope", this incredible image of baby Samuel Armas grasping a surgeon’s finger was captured by photographer Michael Clancy. Doctors operated on baby Samuel in utero after he was diagnosed with spina bifida. Samuel survived and is now a healthy teen.

Pro-abortion people try to convince us that this is not a baby. Not really. It's just a mass of worthless cells. They will make any moronic claim to assuage their own guilt; to convince THEMSELVES that it is not a baby.

But it is clear that Samuel most definitely was a baby, with feelings, and capable of at least basic thought, to be able to grasp.

Every person in America should look at this picture, and then ask themselves if they would intentionally end that life...

Please pass this around if you agree.


Monday, March 9, 2020

Why Conservatives Get "Shadow Banned" on Social Media

Twitter says they do not shadow ban. That is bull! In fact, it is a blatant and provable lie. They claim innocence by calling it something else, even though it has the same effect.

Here's how it "works", according to Twitter:

You can suffer the effects of shadow banning not by Twitter, but because "numerous people complain" about one or more of your tweets. In other words, Twitter does not directly ban a person - they let others do it for them. The effect is the same, and they know it.

They also know something else - the only people likely to complain are liberals. It's no different from anywhere else in America - liberals at college campuses actively squelch the speech of anyone they disagree with. And they gang up - a mob - in order to do that. We see it when they shout down - or even ban - conservative speakers on campus. We see it when they physically attack conservatives on the street, or harass them in restaurants, churches - even in front of their homes.

Yes, Twitter knows that only liberal snowflakes complain and report people. And conservatives who make valid points that damage the liberal narrative are ganged up on, attacked, and "reported", resulting in the conservative being shadow banned.

Conservatives, by their nature, do not attack those they disagree with. They do not censor people. They are reserved - which is actually a conservative trait (which is why we are referred to as the "silent majority").

I say it's time conservatives fight back. Trump is showing us how. And if we do not fight back, liberals will not stop until they have torn up the Constitution and permanently deprived us of the right of free speech. They are attempting that now, with the "Politically Correct" speech they try to force on us, and with their "cancel culture", where they literally destroy anyone they oppose.

Yes, it is time we fight back. On social media, we can use the same tactics. And though we may not like having to  lower ourselves to their level, that is the only way we can stop them. When we see a post that is blatant misinformation, we should all gather and report it. We should, anyway, because misinformation has no place in any media.

As conservative patriots who love our country, we have an obligation to crush the liberal misinformation that is dividing our nation. And while we likely cannot have much affect on fake news sites like CNN and MSNBC, we CAN clean up social media, but only if we work at it, the way liberals do.

But to be effective, it is imperative that we go where the liberals congregate to spew their vitriol. If you see a "trending" thread that is obviously liberal, like "TrumpIsRacist", that's where we need to be, to fight back. As Jesus said, we must go among the sinners, because the righteous don't need us. Take the fight to them, or lose the fight.

Find a liberal tweet that is a blatant falsehood - libelous - and let all your followers know, and have them all visit the post and report it. And if enough of us do that, we can change the narrative. And we must!
