Friday, March 8, 2019

Pelosi Says Dems On Fishing Expedition, Witch Hunt

Most people missed this story because the mainstream media refuses to put it out there. When Nancy Pelosi was asked by a reporter if all these investigations were a wise move, and if there is any evidence, she stated that while there was no evidence, the Democrats, under the guise of "oversight" were using all those investigations to SEEK OUT evidence.

That is exactly what a fishing expedition is, or, as Trump puts it, a witch hunt. Congress should not be wasting time and taxpayer money on investigations for which there is no evidence of a crime. That's putting the cart before the horse. When there is evidence of a crime, then you investigate, not vice versa.

Imagine if someone with unlimited funding who hated you were to dig into every aspect of your life and your past, searching for something to hurt you. They WOULD find something, because no one is perfect. The only perfect person to have ever lived was nailed to a cross 2000 years ago.

None of those "investigations" are for purposes of finding a crime - they are nothing more than opposition research paid for by taxpayer money - which is illegal.

If we are to preserve and protect our country and our freedoms, we need to boot people to the curb when they act in such a hateful, unethical manner.

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