Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Nadler - Opposition Research Disguised as Investigations

Jerry Nadler, in charge of the House Oversight Committee is seeking millions of documents from as many as 80+ people ever associated with President Trump, presumably to "find" a crime not in evidence, which is itself unconscionable. And although the Democrats are claiming they are simply performing "oversight", they are only permitted to do so for issues pertaining to actions while in office or during campaigns. It is not legitimate oversight to look into a person's past history prior to elective office. So, just what is the purpose of all these phony investigations for which there has been no evidence of wrongdoing?

Simple - they are performing opposition research for the 2020 Presidential election, and doing so with TAXPAYER money, which is illegal. Anything they dig up that is detrimental to Trump's character will be used to defeat him in 2020, and not used to impeach him - evidence has not turned up any impeachable offense.

In short, the Democrats, led by Jerry Nadler are again attempting to steal an election by illegal means, and disguising it as "oversight". It boggles the mind how any sane, decent American could possibly elect such corrupt people to office over and over again.

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