Saturday, January 27, 2018

Will Liberals Gain Permanent Control of America?

The answer could very well be "YES". Under the current immigration system, which is what the liberal Democrats are fighting to preserve, Democrats will gain permanent control over this country within two decades.

And it has little to do with DACA. The Democrats do not care at all about DACA or the Dreamers. To liberal Democrats, the "Dreamers" are nothing more than a vessel for bringing in more immigrants through chain migration.

What Americans need to understand is that liberal Democrats are planning long term, for total and complete control, forever. They do not want to have to worry about winning elections. They know each Dreamer can easily bring in as many as 20 "relatives" through chain migration under the current system. And while it is true those immigrants are not allowed to vote, each of  them will very likely have at least three children - and every one will be an American citizen, with the right to vote in 18 years.

Think about that - if 1,000,000 Dreamers bring in just 3,000,000 relatives, in just two decades, allowing chain migration to continue  can easily result in 10 million or more new Democrat voters. In a nation where the White House, senate and house is usually determined by just a few million votes, that almost guarantees the Democrats will gain control of everything - White House, Senate and House - and keep it. They keep it because THOSE 10 million "children" will father another 30,000,000...

Let's be clear - the Democrats do not care one whit about Dreamers except for their ability to bring in more immigrants through the chain migration. THAT is what Democrats want to preserve, and the lack of a wall would insure even more illegals get in to have "child citizens". If Trump builds a wall and ends chain migration, the Democrats will not have the huge, insurmountable edge they are trying to gain in the long term.

And that is exactly why we need both a wall, and an end to chain migration. It is essential if America is to continue as a democracy.

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