Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Smart Meters

As many of you know, CMP has begun installing "smart meters" on homes to which they provide power. Currently, they are doing it whether you want it or not, like it or not. They apparently have no respect for your property being yours, not theirs.

But here is the real issue --- while they claim the smart meters are used to make your electrical usage "more efficient", that is nothing more than a slick way of saying they will now be able to limit the amount of power that goes to your home, if they or the government feel you are using too much. Electricity police.

The government under Obama/Pelosi/Reid already passed a bill in the "stimulus bill" that allows them to do just that. They now have the power to decide for you just how much electricity you need, and when you may access it. That was the ONLY purpose behind Obama's "smart grid". It has nothing to do with efficiency - it has everything to do with regulation and control; an integral part of his Cap & Trade dream.

Residents of Maine need to stand and tell the PUC to give residents the choice of opting out of a smart meter. And CMP should be forced, by injunction if necessary, to halt installations until such time as the PUC makes a determination and, if necessary, the people appeal to the courts.

For the moment, this is still America, which is supposed to be a free country. But every time the government or some bureaucratic agency takes a breath, we lose freedoms.

The Constitution was written to help us protect our rights and freedoms by insuring that the people control government, not vice versa. But as of today, government now controls insurance companies, auto manufacturers, our health care, much of our food supply, our schools, and now our electricity usage (and on December 20th the FCC plans to take control of the internet). So, tell me - what freedoms DO we still have left? In what manner do we control the government? And don't say "voting", because many of the agencies passing these regulations such as the EPA, FCC, FDA etc. are not even elected to office - they are dictatorial and can even bypass Congress.

Something needs to change. We need to draw a line in the sand. And in Maine, I think this is that line.


Thursday, December 2, 2010

An Easy Prediction For 2012

If you read this blog regularly you are aware I tend to make a lot of predictions on a variety of topics - and have a very high accuracy rate. Well, I will now make the easiest prediction I have ever made.

For the 2012 elections, watch for Democrats in a LOT of states to put legalizing pot, gay rights issues and environmental issues on state ballots across the nation. But don't think for a minute that those referendum questions are intended to legalize any of that. Nope. The intention will be strictly to get young people to the voting booth.

Young people tend to be more liberal, as well as inexperienced in life issues. They will turn out in droves, and the majority will vote Democrat.

I can almost guarantee the Democrats will use this deceitful practice to "rig" elections.

In September of 2012 I will post which states (and how many) have added such liberal causes to their ballots. I'm betting at least 12 states will try this.

It should be interesting to watch...


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A New Kind of Alternative Minimum Tax

This idea may sound crazy at first, but I would like you to at least think about this. First, nearly 60 million WORKING people pay NO income taxes at all. None. They benefit just as much as the 60 million who do pay, but they get a free ride because they do not earn as much. But just because they do not earn as much should not mean they pay NOTHING. If they have income, why should they not pay at least a token amount? And there are three very sound reasons why they should...

1) They would feel as though they are contributing to America, even if only in a token amount. This is good and healthy for a person's self-esteem. Remember the parable of the wealthy man who gave 10% of what he earned, and the poor woman who only gave two pieces? Jesus blessed the woman because, even though she was poor and could ill afford it, she gave all she could. Dignity and self-esteem is important.

2) By becoming taxpayers, those 60 million people will be vested in how Congress spends our money. As long as a person is not required to pay anything, they suddenly become eager to increase spending and entitlements - after all, it doesn't cost them a dime. If we want to control spending, we need to get more Americans interested in controlling it.

3) If every working person under 18 and not in college, with any income whatsoever were required to pay a mere $5 per week, that would come to a whopping $15 billion dollars a year going into the Treasury that could be used to pay down our debt. It is their debt, too. They need to pay SOMETHING. There is not a working person in America who can honestly say they cannot afford a mere $250 per year for all the benefits they get from living in this great country. Every worker could contribute that much simply by getting a second, part-time job for a few days each year. Heck, I make more than that just turning in cans and bottles to the recycling center!

Yes, there should be an Alternative Minimum Tax on the wealthy PROVIDED we stick with the current progressive tax code. But there should be an even more important AMT for EVERYONE. Every working American has an obligation to pay a share. Being poor is no excuse for being a deadbeat.


Sunday, November 28, 2010


I caught a commercial today by The guy starts by saying that every hour a crime is committed based on religion, gender, sexual preference, race etc. and we need to unite to put a stop to it.

As much as I agree with the premise, I find this to be very disingenuous. They purposely lead you to believe, by error of omission, that it is "every hour" in the United States. But the facts are quite different - such crimes occur SOMEWHERE IN THE WORLD every hour.

What these folks do not tell you is that the vast majority of crimes against women, gays and religions are committed elsewhere, and almost entirely in the Arab/muslim nations.

Now, I believe the world should unite on the one issue of human rights. But I find it objectionable that this or any group tries to con people into thinking it is mostly an American problem. It isn't, and never was. Even in the days of slavery and no women's rights we still treated people better than most other nations of the time. Yes, we had growing to do - we still do. But America is not the problem, and I'm damned sick of the disingenuous fools who keep trying to tell us otherwise.


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Political Correctness - A Suicide Pact

Undercover agents arrested a Somali-born teenager, Mohamed Osman Mohamud while trying to blow up a van full of explosives at a crowded Christmas tree lighting ceremony in downtown Portland, Oregon

Late last month, Farooque Ahmed, 34, of Virginia was arrested and accused of casing Washington-area subway stations in what he thought was an al-Qaida plot to bomb and kill commuters.

And a year ago in another federal sting, 19-year-old Jordanian Hosam Smadi was arrested on charges he intended to bomb a downtown Dallas skyscraper

These are just three recent examples of many, many terrorist attempts (and some successful) that prove beyond any doubt whatever that the vast majority (like, 100%) of terrorists are young middle-eastern Arab muslims, and the majority are males.

So, exactly WHY are we not using effective profiling? We use profiling in all other "native" crimes, including rape, murder, child molesting, burglary etc.

If we continue to refuse to target those who are most likely to try and kill us, we are committing suicide. It is political correctness, invented and pushed by progressive liberals who do not like America, that will be responsible for any successful terrorist attack.

At airports, federal agents grope and scan innocent American grandmas and little children, under the pretense that they COULD be used by terrorists. But I contend that, to date, no 4 year old has been used in any terror attempt, but dark-skinned middle-eastern Arab muslims have been.

Our leaders, misguided or misled, have decided it is better to insult and abuse innocent Americans than to risk insulting or abusing the muslims intent on killing us.

I find it troubling that progressive liberals are quick to cry foul when we infringe on the supposed "rights" of terrorists held at Gitmo, but are also the first to insist that Americans forfeit their own rights at airports across the nation.

We have a great country here in America. But we do not have great leadership in our president or Congress. They allow a handful of progressives to dictate their course - a course designed long ago to bring America to its knees, in favor of a "one world" government. In a one-world government, NO nation would be allowed to be sovereign, more powerful or more wealthy than another. So, progressives believe America must be dismantled.

Are you going to sit back and let them do it? Or will you be outspoken, and work to remove all progressives from all public offices?

America is worth saving. But if YOU won't act to save her, who will?

Scary statistics for those of us who live in Maine:

1) there are roughly 1.6 billion muslims in the world. Of that, roughly 2 million (more than 1%) are believed to be jihadists out to kill us.

2) In Portland, alone, there are currently more than 4,000 Somalian muslims. If the stats hold true, at least 5 of them are already planning how to kill us.

And that is just Portland. The first terrorist mentioned in this blog is a Somali muslim immigrant in Portland Oregon. How long before Portland Maine becomes a target?


Friday, November 26, 2010

LIA - The Little Ice Age

I have written often on the period known as the "Little Ice Age" (LIA). And I brought up the fact that our current "warming period" is not only natural, but 2-3 degrees below the Earth's normal temperature.

According to Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" which caused so much angst and panic, if the Earth were to warm an average of 2-3 degrees it would be a catastrophe of epic proportions. Yet, 2-3 degrees higher temperature would simply be normal.

This evening I watched a documentary on the History channel about LIA. LIA began in the 14th century and did not end until roughly 1850. During that period, the Earth's average temperature was 4 degrees colder than the present average temperature. And that small amount caused havoc and death throughout the world - famines, plagues, crime, as food became scarce and disease-ridden rats came indoors to escape the cold.

But the real story is untold - that the period preceding the Little Ice Age, from about the 10th century to the 14th, the Earth's average temperature was about 3 degrees warmer than it is today. And during that "warming period" of 400 years, civilizations grew and propered like no other time in recorded history. The best wines were brewed in England and imported to France. But during LIA, that came to an end as grapes could not grow in the colder temps of England. To this day grapes cannot grow in England, which tells you the Earth's temperature is still cooler than it was 1000 years ago.

The very same climate that Gore and his followers claim would be devastating was a reality just 1000 years ago (and obviously not caused by Man or his SUV's), and Mankind actually thrived.

This is proven science, not conjecture, opinion or political hype designed to redistribute wealth. The Earth is still coming out of the 500 year LIA, so it is natural for it to be warming. And it will get warmer yet, barring any outside influence that might again cause another Big Chill. And there is nothing we can, or should do about it.

I have said this before - nothing in nature remains stagnant. When the Earth is not warming it is cooling, and vice versa. When the Earth cools, Mankind suffers. When it warms, we thrive.

I say let it warm. After all, if we were to try to thwart the warming and a new LIA were to begin, the combined effect would be even more devastating than the last LIA.

So, what are the odds another LIA could be in our future? All it would take is a series of large volcanic eruptions over a short time, spewing enough ash into the atmosphere to block the sun for a few months, as happened when Mt Tambora erupted in the 1815, causing what came to be known as "The Year Without A Summer". That was just one volcano and it dropped the average mean temperature a full degree, bringing 5 feet of snow to the Northeast in July and August. Imagine several...just look at Indonesia lately. It COULD happen. But here's the kicker - there are 8 Super Volanoes on this planet (Yellowstone is one). All it would take to start a true ice age is for just ONE of those to blow.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Truth Finally Comes Out

Now he tells us. Al Gore now says his support for corn-based ethanol subsidies while serving as vice president was a mistake that had more to do with his desire to cultivate farm votes in the 2000 presidential election than with what was good for the environment.

"It is not a good policy to have these massive subsidies for first-generation ethanol," Gore said at a green energy conference in Athens, Greece, according to Reuters . First generation refers to the most basic, energy-intensive process of converting corn to ethanol for use as a motor vehicle fuel additive.

"On reflection", Gore said the energy conversion ratios -- how much energy is produced in the process -- "are at best very small." "One of the reasons I made that mistake is that I paid particular attention to the farmers in my home state of Tennessee," he said, "and I had a certain fondness for the farmers in the state of Iowa because I was about to run for president."

I blogged years ago about this and those on the left said I was nuts. I have been blogging on it ever since. Now he admits it was not only a mistake, but purely political, to buy votes. And contrary to what he says, it was no "mistake". He boldly claims it was a calculated move to garner votes. Anything done intentionally is no mistake. So now I am wondering - how much longer will it be before he finally owns up to his most horrific mistake - his bogus docucrama about global warming? No time soon, I would guess, since he won awards from his celebrity groupies and so much of his wealth is at stake.

As a side note, federal ethanol subsidies reached $7.7 billion last year. The taxpayer pays that to steal corn from the food supply, which raises food prices. That means taxpayers get wholloped twice for the same foolish "mistake".


Monday, November 22, 2010

Skewed Priorities

A lot of folks seem to think it's OK for our own government to mistreat its citizens and violate their Constitutional rights in an attempt to make us safer in the air. Those of us who disagree have valid reasons for disagreeing.

Let's begin with this - in an effort to NOT violate the rights or feelings of terrorists, our government violates the rights and disregards the feelings of its own citizens by the millions. In an effort to not treat terrorists with disrespect, our government disrespects its own citizenry. And in an effort to protect the American way of life - rights, freedoms, dignity and self-respect - the government TAKES AWAY our rights, freedoms, dignity and self-respect.

And in light of this, the government refuses to do the one thing that has proven capable of keeping us safer - profiling. Yeah, I've heard it all before. We need to be careful about insulting our enemies.

What ticks me the most is that our soldiers fight and die so we can be free - and then we just turn around and give up those freedoms without so much as a whimper just because some cave-dweller has some of us peeing our pants in fear! I don't know which angers me more - the people trying to kill us, or the cowards who would give in to them so readily.

Political correctness has become a suicide pact. We KNOW who is trying to kill us, but we refuse to single them out for close inspection because we might hurt someone's precious little feelings. But in refusing to profile, the government is doing harm to every American who flies. "We won't single out those who are trying to kill us. Instead, we will punish our own citizens. And if our citizens refuse to accept the punishment, we will arrest them."

How idiotic and dictatorial that is. Certainly not the mark of intelligence, nor the mark of a free country. Meanwhile the terrorists are laughing their asses off at our ignorance and foolishness. Our own government is telling us to let our fears rule our lives. Have we become a nation of cowards? Since when was it a good thing to give up our hard-earned freedoms and rights in exchange for (a false perception of) security?

If the founding fathers had decided they should give up their rights and freedoms in exchange for security, they would never have gone to war with England and we would not be a free country today. They knew what we are too spoiled to remember - that nothing is more important than freedom and human rights. Not even life, itself. They were willing to die for freedom.

Political correctness, particularly in the area of national defense or security is absolutely irresponsible, assinine and insane. We can molest our women and children with impunity and subject them to doses of radiation that is expected to kill 10 people a year, but is it wrong to single someone out for closer inspection because he fits the description of the perp? WE KNOW WHO IS TRYING TO KILL US. But rather than face him, we turn our back on him and molest our own children for fear that we might offend the bad guys.

You would be outraged if the local police, knowing a serial killer was an ethnic male in his thirties with a full beard, were to NOT look for an ethnic male in his thirties with a full beard, and instead haul in grandma and three-year olds for a line-up. Just how stupid is our government? And just how stupid are we for allowing them to run amok in the name of security?

Here is a fact - you have 4 times more chance of becoming a saint (a 20 million-to-one shot) than of finding yourself on a plane with a bomber (an 81 million-to-one shot). Is that worthy of giving up your human rights? Your dignity? Is that reason enough to allow strangers to molest our women and children, or subject them to radiation?

If you honestly think it is a good thing to give up your rights and freedoms for security, then you are the fool and coward that Benjamin Franklin was talking about when he said "Those who would give up their liberty in exchange for security deserve neither."

I cannot take my family on a plane. Because I am a man. And no man worthy of the name would ever permit his wife and children to be fondled and groped by anyone, least of all srangers. Nor would a man worth his salt subject his loved ones to dangerous radiation that even the experts say will result in some deaths. They say it's "collateral damage."

Sorry - me and mine are not "collateral". We are human beings. Human beings with dignity and self-respect. And we plan on staying that way, no matter how hard the terrorists try to kill us.

To paraphrase a famous saying, "A brave man dies but once, but a coward dies every time he goes through airport security."

But the bigger question: WHY is our government doing this, even though they know these invasive procedures are ineffective and also unconstitutional? It's simple. Lookiaround at all the intrusions of government lately. The government is growing in power. And in order for one entity to gain power, another must lose power. And we, the people, are losing power. The government wants greater control over us, our lives, our health, our money - even what we eat. The only way they can get that power is if we give it to them by willingly giving up our rights and freedoms. The government learned long ago that if we are suitably frightened, we will give up those rights and freedoms. So, it is in the best interests of the government to keep us living in fear. The greater the fear, the more power they can take in the guise of "protecting" us.

We have met the enemy - and it is us. The government we created, then empowered, then ceded our rights and freedoms to.


Friday, November 19, 2010


There are 49,315 commercial flights daily, throughout the world. Since September 11, 2001, there have been 162 million commercial flights. Of that, there have been (2) known attempts by terrorists to bomb a plane - both thwarted without scanners or pat-downs.

This equates to one attempt for every 81,000,000 flights. Which in turn indicates a probability of finding yourself in a plane with a bomber to be 1 in 81,000,000. That is four times less likely than becoming a saint , which is a 20,000,000-1 shot. And you are 40 times more likely to be struck by lightning, 80 times more likely to get elected president and 80 times more likely of getting killed by a part falling off an airplane.

Now tell me - why are we willing to give up our rights, our dignity and our self-respect by subjecting ourselves to very invasive procedures just to get on a plane? You are more likely to die in a car crash with a Cadillac Escalade at 2:00 in the morning, but no one molests you before getting into your car.

The government has gone too far - and is in violation of several laws and the constitution. We all know the risks involved. If a person has been so frightened by the terrorists that they fear being blown up on a plane, then they should not be flying.

As Franklin so aptly put it, "Those who would give up their liberty for security deserve neither." If we are going to live in fear, the terrorists have already won.


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Safe canners - And Other Fairy Tales

Today the government worked feverishly, ahead of the holiday travel season, to asure us that the scanners at the airports are safe - that the radiation they emit is "miniscule".

First, let me remind you this is the same government that assured our soldiers that Agent Orange was "safe", and that the air quality at ground zero was "safe". We are now spending billions for medical treatment for those poor souls who believed the government's assurances of safety. That said...

NO amount of radiation is safe. Radiation accumulates in the body. That, alone, is cause for serious concern.

These scanners scan the entire body - a very large area. Per square inch the amount of radiation may be small, but collectively, not so much. Consider...

You dentist uses radiation to x-ray an area the size of a silver dollar. Just enough to penetrate cheek and gums. But have you noticed that it is SO safe that even with such a small amount, you must wear a lead flack jacket, and the dentist must, by law, LEAVE THE ROOM!

That's how "safe" it is.

But here is the REAL safety hazard - by using scanners and pat-downs - neither of which provides very much security - we give up our RIGHTS, our FREEDOM and our DIGNITY. And once you give up all those things that America stands for, and is built upon, the terrorists have already won. And that is the ultimate in being UN-safe - giving up who we are.


Something To Think About

Imagine if you will that you have managed to save up a bunch of $100 bills for your retirement. You worked hard for them.Then the government comes to you and says, "We are going to render all those bills worthless because it is in the best interest of the nation. you may as well put them in the shredder. They are no longer any good at all." And you lose everything.

But then the government prints NEW money. No, they do not replace what you have - you cannot trade your $100 bills in for a new $20 bill. Nope. You are still out of luck. All the new money - the money that you really paid for - is slated to go to someone else.

In short, the government stole your money and gave it to someone else.

And that, my friend, is what just happened with GM - Government Motors. Last year the government took it over. People who invested their money into shares were told their shares were being taken away, without remuneration. This, by the way, is in direct violation of the Constitution that says if the government wants something you own, they must pay a fair price for it. But that aside, the fact remains that stockholders lost their stock - it was arbitrarily taken away.

And today, the government has authorized the sale of millions of NEW shares of GM. All the money you invested in GM is now being given to other people.

This should go down in history as the greatest scam of all time. It makes Bernie Madoff look like a kindergartener.And it begs the question - what idiot would buy ANY GM shares this time? What makes anyone think what happened to you won't happen to them?

As much as it pains me to say it, our government has become our enemy. No, not our country - our GOVERNMENT. The Constitution guarantees, in writing, that we shall have a REPUBLICAN FORM OF GOVERNMENT. A Republic. Not a democracy. There is an important difference. The founders had rejected a democracy because in a democracy the majority, and not the collection of individuals, rule. Which means in a democracy, the majority have the power to take away YOUR rights if they see fit. In the Old West it was called "mob rule", responsible for lynching a lot of innocent people.

In a Republic, each of us is an individual "boss" of ourselves. No one, and no group, can usurp our individual rights or power. And the only purpose of government is to make that possible. The government is the tent that keeps the rain off while we go about our business.

In a Republic, the government could not take over GM. They could not render your shares worthless by decree. The free market would rule, which is what creates strength through competition. If GM can no longer compete, they need to go down, just like the Mom & Pop store on the corner. It is called "survival of the fittest". If only the strong survive, we will all be stronger for it. If the weak survive, we all become weaker. We are only as strong as the weakest link.

Whenever you take from the strong and give to the weak, you are not strengthening the weak - they are still weak, but with your stuff. By taking from the strong and giving to the weak, you only serve to weaken the strong. And that is never a good idea, because only the strong will survive.

That is the entire premise of the parable in the Bible about the Talents of Gold. Nothing you can do will make the weak strong. And the strongest need to be strengthened, not weakened.

Some may argue that sounds cold and uncompassionate. But that is not so. It is nature. It is survival. It is as it should be. As it must be. Because no matter what we do, the weak will still fall to the wayside. We see this with 3rd and 4th generation welfare families. In spite of the trillions spent on welfare in the last 50 years, the same families are still poor and on welfare. It did them no good, while it did the rest of us great harm by robbing us of our strength. We are making Sampson's of the strong, and Delilah's of the weak.

To get back to GM - the government has given the "GM Delilah" the shears to cut Sampson's hair. And now they are setting up a whole new bunch of Sampson's (i.e. sheep) to shear.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Terrorists Have Already Won

It was the intent of the terrorists to kill (which they did). But even more important is the true intent of terrorism - to terrorize to the point of forcing us to give up our liberty to government intrusion. To disrupt.

Go to any airport today, and you will see the TSA committing felonies against all innocent travelers, all in the name of "security". They fondle both adults and children in a way that is considered sexual assault if anyone else were to do it. They take picture scans of your body - considered invasion of privacy and even pornography if anyone else were to do it.

We have been forced to give up our liberty - even our dignity - all because of terrorism. They have won.

The irony is that all these blatant attacks on us by our own government does not make us secure - it simply provides an illusion of security. The "underwear bomber" and others still get through. They simply devise new ways.

We would be far better off to use the system the Israeli's have. They have the most secure airlines in the world, and it is accomplished without any invasive government mandates.

But our morons in government are too "politically correct" to use their system. They would rather punish us, the honest citizenry, than offend those who would kill us.

The terrorists have already won...


Friday, November 5, 2010

Seeing The Light

Earlier this week President Obama said there's light at the end of the tunnel.

He is correct. And that light at the end of the a Chinese freight train and it's heading straight for us.


Suspicious Minds

Well, the mid-term elections are over. And throughout the nation there are accusations - and in many cases evidence - of voter fraud. But so far, there have been no such allegations in Maine.

Could it be that Mainer's are just plain honest?

Or could it be that we just did not notice the puppeteering of national organizations with a national agenda?

The reason I ask is rather simple, and I am wondering if I am the only one who noticed. Throughout Maine, there was a mini-tsunami that swept all government offices. For the first time in decades we have a Republican governor, and also a Republican House and State Senate. It seems Mainer's voted overwhelmingly for Republicans. Yet...

In spite of this, ALL Congressional elections ended with democrats winning the seats. All those going to Washington are democrats.

I just find it rather strange that with all the people who voted Republican for state seats, that those same voters would inexplicably vote overwhelmingly for Democrats for the Congress.

Most unusual.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Tol' Ya So ...

As I predicted months ago, the Fed announced that it intends to print ANOTHER $600 billion to monetize the debt. Monetizing the debt reduces the value of our money. Also as predicted months ago, the price of gold has skyrocketed. Within 30 minutes of the Fed's announcement, the price of gold jumped another $40 an ounce. Now approaching $1400 per troy ounce.

The good news for America, and the bad news for those who hold onto gold too long, I suspect the new Republican congress will shoot down this atrocity early next year. If they do (and they should), the price of gold will drop immediately. If they do not, you can hang onto your gold awhile longer.

Just so you know...


He Still Does Not Get It

Today President Obama, scheduled to meet with Congressional leaders said "The people have sent a message...", and then went on to describe what he sees as "the message".

He said the message is simply to focus on jobs, don't waste so much money and change the tone in Washington.

Wishful thinking, Mr. President. Not only is that NOT the message, but you apparently choose to ignore all those who told you EXACTLY what their message is. So, in case you missed it, here it is again...

The folks want SMALLER GOVERNMENT. They want to CUT SPENDING. They want to INCREASE PERSONAL FREEDOM from government intrusion so they can grow.

The people know that such things will empower the people and result in growth and jobs.

In short, Mr President - and all establishment politicians who just don't "get it" - it is really very simple...

YOUR job is to keep the nation safe from its enemies, and provide for the general welfare (not individual welfare) of the nation as a whole, and then just GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY! The people will do the rest, as they always have.

Yes, there will be winners and losers - but that is how it SHOULD be. No one can win unless someone else loses. And if no one wins, we cannot grow or prosper as a nation. You simply stagnate.

If you have ever played poker, you know what I'm saying.

Washington, wake up and smell the Tea. Make America a friendly and safe place for business, and then just get out of our way.

It really is as simple as that - and does not require trillions of spending or debt.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Self-Employment Opp VIII

Self-Employment Idea #8


You have seen those magazines dedicated to Want Ads. There are even online ones, like Craig's list. But did you know you could make a lot of money from them?

I know a young man who found an old Honda 450 for sale for $100. He also found another ad where a person was looking for such a motorcyle. He called the guy and said he would sell him a 450 Honda for $400. The deal was made - and so was a $300 profit?

He began picking up all sorts of things from the FREE ITEMS section, then selling them at yard sales, or trading "up" for something of greater value. Just for kicks, he decided to see if he could trade a $10 item for a $5,000 item. He started with a used TV he got for $10, traded that for something worth $20, and so on. It took 8 months, but the man ended up with a $7,000 Harley Davidson - and it only cost him $10.

Think about it. Look for all the bargains, then trade up, or mark them up and sell at your yard sale. And don't forget to look for more bargains at other people's yard sales...


Monday, November 1, 2010

Self-Employ Opp Pt VI & VII

Self-Employment Idea #6 & 7


If you are a married man with some handyman skills, have your wife rent you out to other wives whose husbands are not so handy - or just too busy to take care of those tasks on the 'To-Do" list.

I do recommend that wives whose husbands may have a roaming eye may want to find other ways of putting hubby to work.

Bye-Bye Junk

Everyone collects junk. Most of us would rather be rid of it. In the attic, garage, basement - it can even be found in some yards and barns.

If you have access to a truck (or have a friend with a truck who is willing to partner) you can provide the much needed service of junk removal. This pays in several ways.

First, you get paid to clean up someone's garage or attic or whatever. Anything metal can go to the recycler - metals can pay anywhere from pennies to dollars a pound, depending on the metal. Copper and brass often goes for up to a dollar or more a pound, while aluminum can run about 30 cents. Any metal can be sold - even old batteries can net you about $5 each.

Meanwhile, it will not be unusual to end up with a barn full of good, useable items that you can yard sale for even more money. And I have even seen junkers get antiques and valuable collectibles among the junk.

If you like treasure hunting, this might just be what the doctor ordered.


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Who Is Happeir?

Three different independent studies indicate conservatives tend to be happier than liberals.

Judging by how conservatives and liberals respond to things - even each other - it would appear that conservatives are, indeed, happier than liberals. It even appears to extend to the millions who watch them on Fox or listen to them on the radio: A recent study says that conservatives are happier than liberals -- and have more friends.

According to a recent article, "the study, published in the journal Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, is the work of Jacob Vigil, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of New Mexico. He gathered over 700 undergrads at a university in Florida in the months before the 2008 election and had them fill out a survey. The survey touched on, among other things, the students' pasts, their political affiliations, the number of friends they have, and how much they trusted them and, by extension, the rest of society.

"Vigil then had the participants look at photos of strangers' faces, whose expressions ranged from joy to sadness, fear to surprise, disgust to anger. Vigil asked the participants to interpret, among other things, how threatened they felt by the faces. He then took that data, and that which came from the completed surveys, and reached his conclusions about who's happy and why." Conservatives, the study says, feel more threatened by the people they don't know. But -- conservatives end up having a larger circle of friends than liberals.

Vigil found that conservatives have a looser definition of friendship, one that doesn't rely as much on the sort of intimacy that liberals favor. Conservatives tend to find friends who will help them -- socially, and especially professionally -- so conservatives end up searching out more people. Their suspicions of who is threatening them may not be completely accurate, but it does serve a purpose: It thins the ranks of potential friends and leaves the conservatives happier with whom they decide upon, because these friends can help them.

Liberals, meanwhile, are more miserly -- a trait backed up by other studies on charitable giving in which conservatives tend to give two times more to charity that liberals. Liberals have fewer friends, the study finds, after computing the data from the surveys, because many of them are victims -- victims, often, of childhood trauma, or the perceived victims of a cruel adult world. They sympathize with people more than conservatives, the surveys found, but liberals don't befriend as many people, because they are wary of trusting them. In societal terms, this often means liberals, while they feel for others, are less apt to get personally involved to do anything to help. This also explains why liberals are more into victimhood, while conservatives tend to be more optimistic and self-reliant.

Vigil says that whether one is a liberal or conservative, "it's all about our capacity for trustworthiness." If conservatives aren't threatened by you, they tend to like you, whereas liberals don't seek out new people, even though they have greater compassion for them. Though they have greater compassion, Liberals are more likely to want others to take action rather than get personally involved -- which also indicates why they give less to charity. They feel more for victims, but prefer to have others do something -- often, that is the government.

Another recent study shows that conservatives have been happier than liberals at least these past 30 years. A third study finds that regardless of who holds political power, people who have more money, and worship a god regularly, "tend to be happier," write Paul Taylor, Cary Funk and Peyton Craghill of the Pew Research Center. To be happy, it would seem -- and many a liberal will be dismayed to know that George Will may have understood this first -- it is not enough to simply commiserate with society, as liberals do. You need to try and be more a part of it.

In reading about these studies, it is easier to understand why liberals want and need bigger government and higher taxes. They want to end victimhood, but they do not want to get personally involved, instead prefering government to take care of it.

I have also concluded from all this that the world would be far better off if liberals would get past the victimhood mentality and get more personally involved in life. Then they, too, could be happier -- and have a larger circle of friends.


Self-Employment Oppo #5

Self-Employment Idea #5

Invisible Secretary

How many times have you forgotten an appointment, a birthday or anniversary Or you remembered too late to get flowers or a gift?

There is a real need for someone who will keep track of all those dates, times and places, and get a call to remind them. You can do that - all it takes is a daily planner and a telephone. You can even send an email follow-up.

I know one enterprising person who took it a step further. You can pay him to send loved ones (or even enemies) letters, Christmas or birthday cards etc. - AFTER YOU HAVE PASSED ON! In this case, the client brings you the cards or letters, already signed by the client. He arranges in his will to have the executor notify you when he passes. You then send his cards and letters according to instructions he gave when he signed them.

On the envelope he has a rubber stamp that simply says, "A note from Heaven".

As an invisible secretary, you can also offer other services, such as typing transcripts.

Put on your thinking cap - no matter your circumstances, you CAN be self sufficient.


Saturday, October 30, 2010

Fixing The Problems

Our nation faces some serious problems. But all are easily fixed if our Congress would only be willing to do the right thing.

JOBS: Make businesses want to stay in America. Make those who left want to return. Create a friendly, profitable place. Reduce corporate taxes, currently 35%, to a set 15%. Reduce the power of unions. Let the free market do what it does best - create an environment for growth.

ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION: Require all employers to use e-verify. Any employer caught with illegal workers who do not pass e-verify would be fined $100,000 per illegal employee. Schools should also require e-verify before accepting any student. If they cannot work or educate their children they will self-deport. We will not have to find them or deport.

ANCHOR BABIES: If under age 5, they go back with their parents. If they choose to return after they turn 18, without their parents, they are free to do so, as they are American. Their parents are not. Over age 5 and the parents can petition to stay and get a green card only after paying a stiff fine for having broken our laws.

DRUG CARTELS IMPORTING TO AMERICA: Execute them on the spot if caught, or at least treat them as terrorists, tried by a military tribunal as enemy combatants. They are guilty of either invasion or otherwise trying to overthrow our government, as they are already doing in Mexico.

DEFICIT & DEBT: Levy a 25% import tax on all goods from China. Use the money to pay down our debt to them. They cannot refuse - they need American consumers. Yes, it will result in higher prices at WalMart, but it will bring back financial health to America which will benefit us more in the long run. It will also encourage "buying American", making it more profitable for American businesses, and giving them reason to stay here in the U.S. Let China pay off our debt to them.

HEALTH CARE: Strip anything in the law that does not pertain to health care. Set aside anything that comes at substantial cost. Then add tort reform and the ability to shop in other states for insurance. This will bring costs down. Then take up those items that were set aside, and ask the people which of those items they are willing to pay the price for. Like ordering options when buying a new car.

SOCIAL SECURITY: First, all incoming funds are not to be used for anything else. The huge amount collected annually is in the billions. The SS Administration could make those funds available to growth businesses on a BIDDING basis - corporations can bid on any portion of those funds. In this way, 1) businesses can grow quickly, creating jobs; 2) the SS fund will get an immediate influx of cash from successful bidders; and 3) the funds, invested in the business, will receive a guaranteed dividend, regardless of economic conditions. Any business that cannot pay the dividend would be required to sell off whatever they must to reimburse the SS Administration for the funds invested. EXAMPLE: a business wants $2 billion dollars to expand. They bid $200,000 for the right to receive $2 billion. That $2 billion would be invested as a preferred stock with a guaranteed minimum dividend. If another business offers more, or a higher guaranteed m,inimum dividend, then it wins and gets the $2 billion.

HIGH COST OF PUBLIC WORKS: Offer corporations - or even wealthy individuals - the right to "adopt" a public works project, in whole or in part. In return they would have the right to advertise accordingly. For example, a lodge in Yellowstone requires refurbishing. If Geico wants to pay the cost of refurbishing, they can name it GEICO LODGE, and advertise within. This could save taxpayers billions a year in taxes. Local governments could do the same for local projects. Not unlike the rich person who donates a wing on the hospital just to have his name on a plaque.

These are just a few examples. NONE would cost us any money to speak of, but will produce results.


The Truth About Islamic Intent

This post may offend the sensibilities of many liberals who refuse to see or acknowledge what is happening around the world in regard to Islam, because after reading this the reader will suddenly find themselves with a clearer picture and greater understanding.

Islam is not a religion nor is it a cult. It is a complete system of rulership. Islam has religious, legal, political, economic and military components. The religious component is the "glue" for all the other components. Islamization occurs when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their so-called "religious rights." When politically correct and culturally diverse societies agree to "the reasonable" Muslim demands for their "religious rights," they also get the other components under the table.

Here are troubling statistics for those who care (and you should) about the process muslims use to infiltrate every nation for the purpose of ruling the world under Sharia Law. If you doubt this, check out what is currently the status quo in all of these nations - you will find this quite accurate.

As long as the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country they will be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone. They will act as peace-loving moderates so as not be seen as a threat, and left alone to grow. In fact, they may be featured in articles and films, stereotyped for their colorful uniqueness:

United States -- Muslim 1.0%
Australia -- Muslim 1.5%
Canada -- Muslim 1.9%
China -- Muslim 1%-2%
Italy -- Muslim 1.5%
Norway -- Muslim 1.8%

At 2% and 3% they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs (already begun in America):

Denmark -- Muslim 2%
Germany -- Muslim 3.7%
United Kingdom -- Muslim 2.7%
Spain -- Muslim 4%
Thailand -- Muslim 4.6%

From 5% on they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population because they are very vocal and "pushy" (see C.A.I.R.). They will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature it on their shelves -- along with threats for failure to comply. (United States).

France -- Muslim 8%
Philippines -- Muslim 5%
Sweden -- Muslim 5%
Switzerland -- Muslim 4.3%
The Netherlands -- Muslim 5.5%
Trinidad & Tobago -- Muslim 5.8%

At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islam is not to convert the world but to establish Sharia law over the entire world.

When Muslims reach 10% of the population, they will increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions (Paris -- car-burnings). Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam will result in uprisings and threats (Amsterdam -- Mohammed cartoons):

Guyana -- Muslim 10%
India -- Muslim 13.4%
Israel -- Muslim 16%
Kenya -- Muslim 10%
Russia -- Muslim 10-15%

After reaching 20% expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and church and synagogue burning:

Ethiopia -- Muslim 32.8%

At 40% you will find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia warfare:

Bosnia -- Muslim 40%
Chad -- Muslim 53.1%
Lebanon -- Muslim 59.7%

From 60% you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels:

Albania -- Muslim 70%
Malaysia -- Muslim 60.4%
Qatar -- Muslim 77.5%
Sudan -- Muslim 70%
Bangladesh -- Muslim 83%
Egypt -- Muslim 90%
Gaza -- Muslim 98.7%
Indonesia -- Muslim 86.1%
Iran -- Muslim 98%
Iraq -- Muslim 97%
Jordan -- Muslim 92%
Morocco -- Muslim 98.7%
Pakistan -- Muslim 97%
Palestine -- Muslim 99%
Syria -- Muslim 90%
Tajikistan -- Muslim 90%
Turkey -- Muslim 99.8%
United Arab Emirates -- Muslim 96%

100% will usher in the peace of "Dar-es-Salaam" -- the Islamic House of Peace -- there is supposed to be peace because everybody is a Muslim:

Afghanistan -- Muslim 100%
Saudi Arabia -- Muslim 100%
Somalia -- Muslim 100%
Yemen -- Muslim 99.9%

Currently, one country does not permit the immigration of muslims - Australia.

The eminent orientalist Sir William Muir (1819-1905) said, "The sword of Muhammad and the Quran are the most fatal enemies of civilization, liberty, and truth which the world has yet known".


Friday, October 29, 2010

Employment Opp Pt IV

Self-Employment Idea #4

Are you disabled, or is there is reason you cannot get out and around much? Then this idea might well be what you are looking for. But it is not limited to just those folks who are not very mobile - anyone can do this. It is an idea I had once used back in the '80's to get an old friend off welfare with great success.

Your community likely includes both of the following:

1) a bunch of teens, college kids, seniors and/or otherwise underemployed people. People who do not need full-time work, but need extra money

2) People who need part-time or one-time assistance for odd jobs

Your job would be to connect the two. Advertise that you can provide people with odd jobs to earn extra money, and build up a dBase of their names, contact info and, of course, the type(s) of work they can do, such as painting, gardening, handyman stuff, dog walking etc.

Then advertise throughout the area that you can provide folks with the help they need to do those troublesome tasks. Need help getting those storm windows up? Consider it done. Lawn mowed? Done. You name it.

Your job is to advertise for workers, then advertise for those who need workers, and match them up. You get a percentage of the take.

Let's say you get 10% of the pay of 30 people - you are essentially getting 300%. The more people you match up, the bigger your cut.

Be aware - you need to use contracts on both ends - a contract with your workers that prevents them from accepting work on their own, cutting you out, and contracts with the "employer" to insure you get paid - they pay you, not the worker. You pay the worker.

And, yes, you may have other paperwork, like withholding (unless your workers are subcontractors - you can include that in your contract). And yes, you may need liability insurance, or get bonded to cover yu in case one of your workers breaks something, or gets hurt.

It's an idea to think about, though.


I Pray I Am Wrong

Today, several cargo planes were held around the world for "suspicious packages." One found in the UK looked like a mock-up of a bomb. Others were found in several cities around America, from San Francisco to Portland Maine.

Even more unsettling is that these packages, which originated from Yemen, were apparently addressed to various religious institutions, primarily synogogues and churches.

Now this is why I pray I am wrong...

Anwar al-Awlaki, an American Al Queda in Yemen, and responsibile for the "Christmas Day Bomber" last year is the person likely behind this "dry run". And here is where it gets bad.

Already known for wanting to cause terror on Christmas, the second most sacred day in America (Easter being the first), al-Awlaki will likely want to do so again, only on a larger scale.

Imagine if this was a dry run to take advantage of the huge amount of packages being shipped at the holiday season. It is entirely possible that al-Awlaki's aim is to use the rush of the holiday season to deliver bombs or chemical weapons all over the U.S. - and to religious institutions in particular.

Imagine the devastation to every part of American life if hundreds of bombs all over America were to go off simultaneously at religious institutions on or about Christmas Day.

Again, I pray I am wrong. But al-Awlaki is an American citizen. He understands us. He knows the importance of Christmas (remember the Christmas Day Bomber). And he knows the lax security for cargo planes - currently almost all security focuses on commercial airlines.

It might be wise if you use greater than normal caution and care when receiving packages this holiday season, and to make sure the clergy in your church or synogogue do the same.


Employment Opp Pt III

Self-Employment Idea #3

Are you a neat freak? The local Felix Unger? Then this one is for you.

MAID IN (insert name of your community)

Take your neat habits on the road and do cleaning and maid service for select clientele. Build a list of regular customers. All you need are cleaning supplies, reliable transportation and a schedule book. You can include laundry, which would be getting done while you clean.

This is so profitable that some maid services have gone the franchise route (like Merry Maids). But there may not be any in your area. Or if there is, they may be too busy to handle all the available business.

So, break out the 409 and Lemon Pledge and clean up.


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Employment Opp Pt II

Self-Employment Idea #2

Speaking of busy people, many are much to busy to treat their families to fresh, homemade bakery items. Cakes, pies, brownies, cookies, muffins, cupcakes - even fresh bread, since breadmakers make it easy.

You would advertise that your baked goods use only the best, natural ingredients - no preservatives or chemicals like that crap at the stores.

Finding customers would not be a problem, and most will be regulars, if your baking is any good.

As you grow, buy a food dehydrator for $50 and add jerky (beef and turkey) and other natural, dried foods like banana chips or apple slices. You can even make fruit roll-ups. I use mine to make jerky dog treats for my schnauzers. Though I had no intention of starting yet another business, friends with dogs soon began begging me to make theirs. If I'm not careful, it could get out of hand.

If you don't mind staying home and puttering in the kitchen, this might be just the ticket.


Are You Unemployed?

Are you unemployed? If your answer is "yes", then I must ask - WHY?

Yes, I know the economy is trashed. And I know high taxes and unions have driven jobs out of America. But I also know something else - there is no excuse for not earning your own way unless you are physically or mentally incapable.

Before I proceed, and offer life-saving suggestions on how you can overcome unemployment, I would like to relate a true story.

While waiting for my flight at Logan Airport in Boston several years ago, i encountered a 10 year old boy in a wheelchair. He was quadraplegic - the only thing he could move was his head. And the only way he could communicate was with a stick in his mouth, typing on a computer keyboard attached to his chair.

If anyone on planet Earth had an excuse to live off entitlements, this was that person. But he did not see it that way. In my discourse with the boy, I discovered something amazing - him! Although he was only 10, and quadraplegic, that did not stop him. He used that stick and keyboard to write a very upbeat, inspiring book on overcoming life's "little obstacles". The books he wrote were earning him a very good living.

That said, I will now ask you again - why are YOU unemployed?

Short of being on your death bed, there is something you can do to earn your way. Trust me - I will show you. Over the next few days I will post articles with suggestions on things you can do, now, to earn a living without having to stoop to dependency on others. Your pride will stay intact, and you will feel much, much more satisfied with life.

So, here is a good place to start. First, decide to be self-sufficient and self-supporting. Get off the couch, stand, look in a mirror and say, "I am a capable person. I am neither stupid nor lazy. I can do this. I can make my life better. I do not need any government or corporation to validate me. I can provide my own self-worth."

And then decide how. The next few posts will hopefully fuel your imagination. Perhaps none of these suggestions will be right for you, but they should certainly plant good seed in your imagination, and get you thinking as to what you CAN do. And when you come up with something that works for you, be sure to let me know.

So here is the first idea...

Errands 'n More

There are many busy people in every community. Too busy to want to waste precious time and energy on mundane errands and tasks. Make up some fliers and business cards telling folks that you will take care of those pesky errands for them. Everything from pet-sitting and dog walking, to shopping, picking up dry cleaning, or hanging the storm windows. There really is no end to the tasks you can do for people.

You will need:

1) fliers and possibly business cards
2) a schedule book / dayplanner
3) a phone, preferably cell so you don't miss any calls
4) reliable transportation
5) any necessary tools if you include tasks that require tools, like a snow shovel

That's about it. You can start this business for as little as $25.00

You would soon discover that many of your clients will schedule you for regular tasks, daily, weekly or monthly. In no time you will be busier than a three-legged mouse in a barn full of cats.

As a possible offshoot, particularly this time of year, you could include Christmas shopping among your errands.

Think about that. But more important, accept the fact that you can earn your own way. There are as many methods and ideas as there are people. And when you succeed, you will feel secure in the knowledge that you are not likely to fire you, or lay you off.

Tomorrow I will offer up Idea #2.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Why Governor's Race Is Important This Year

A lot of states are electing governors this year, and this is a particularly important year for such races.

Every ten years, states are allowed to "redistrict" the state, which helps determine which party will have the most power in Congress for the next decade.

Redistricting means that the state is divided into districts for representation in the House of Representatives in Congress. How the districts are drawn will determine who gains the most power at the polls.

To illustrate, look at the gerrymandered districts that exist today. You will see they were drawn specifically to include voters of primarily one party, and excluding voters of the opposing party. Here are the Top 9 Gerrymandered Districts (8 of which are Democrat)...

This is actually crooked, though perfectly legal. And since Democrats have typically held power in Congress for 44 of the last 60 years, you can see why drawing districts is critical. Currently, the districts with the craziest, crookedest gerymandering are held by long-term Democrats like Barney Frank and Luis Gutierrez.

And that is why it is so important to vote this year, particularly for your Governor position. Because it is the Governor who will authorize changes in districting. And electing your party into your atate legislature will help your Governor redistrict in ways that benefit your party.

So, if it really is a change you want, this is where it begins - redistricting. And that will only happen if you get out and vote.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Answer, My Friend...

Before reading the rest of this post, it is important for you to look closely at, and try to find what is wrong with this picture...

Do you see it?

There is nothing wrong with it. It is a picture of a number of people, all with different thoughts, different opinions, different problems all coming together to work for a common goal, and solve the problem at hand. The PEOPLE are doing it, not the government.

And this is exactly what built this great nation into the most prosperous and powerful nation the Earth has every seen.

This sense of community, once the norm in America, is all but gone now. How many barn raisings have you been involved in recently? Or ever?

America has been history's greatest success story only because we knew the value of all pulling together in spite of all our differences, and because we had the personal freedom to do so. We knew we did not have to agree with our neighbor - only that he was our neighbor and an important part of the wholeness of the community.

Today, America is more divided than it was in 1859 with the buildup to the Civil War. The sense of community has been replaced by a growing desire to fill our own personal goals at any cost - even at the expense of others. We have shed our responsibility towards ourselves and one another in favor of letting the government handle that for us. We have become lax and lazy.

Whenever we give up any power or authority to a government, we give up some of our own freedom. And as our freedoms wane, so does the need for that sense of community. Let the government take care of the poor and needy. Let the government take care of education. Let the government take care of the elders.

We can clearly see that is not the solution. In fact, it is the problem. There was a time when we had the right solutions. We had barn raisings. Each family, community and church took care of their own, directly. Each township had a Community Chest. We all worked together to overcome trials and tribulations, and it worked.

Please take another look at that picture, and burn it into your consciousness. Remember it. And then go out and do some little thing every day that will bring you - us - closer to that sense of community.

Let's stop giving our power, our stength and our freedom to a government. No government has ever used that power well or wisely. A government is like any other entity - it wants to grow and gain power. To do that, it must consume. And what it consumes is the freedom of its people.

The Founding Fathers knew the importance of having a central government, but they also understood that we, the people, needed to keep it small and within OUR power. In essence, they wanted the strength of a tree, but decided it would be best to cultivate it as a Bonzai variety - trimmed, pruned and trained to remain small, and not overly consuming.

We can bring back that crucial, warm sense of community. But to do so, we must have the need to do so. And that means taking back our power and freedom from a government that has gone rogue, and replacing that government with one that serves its people without consuming their freedoms with overbearing regulation and burdened with excessive taxes.

Vote on November 2nd.


Monday, October 18, 2010

Is It Immigration - Or Infiltration?

In Germany, Chancellor Merkel said their multicultural immigration policy is not working. It appears that Muslims are "immigrating" into Germany - and almost all countries - in large numbers. They do not assimmilate - they simply set up Islamic mini-countries within the host country.

The same thing is happening throughout Europe, and even in North America. In the United States, the Islamic community is not the only one that does not assimilate - the Mexican community is doing the same thing. They come, refuse to assimilate, set up their own communities and pretty much ignore American culture and even its laws. In fact, they insist on incorporating THEIR laws and culture, trying to impose Sharia law in America, for example, and flying flags of their homeland, and not flying the American flag.

Some people still refer to this as immigration. It is not. It is infiltration. These cultures are infiltrating the host nations who permit multiculturalism (non-assimilation) and from there they have every intention of spreading, like a cancer.

France is already in trouble with its huge muslim population, as is the Netherlands, and now Germany. England is also on the verge of losing its control over the muslim population in that once great nation.

In America it is not yet too late - but soon will be if we don't wake up and give the heave-ho to multiculturalism and liberal ideas on open borders. Multiculturalism, coupled with liberal Political Correctness will be America's suicide pact if we do not stop it.

I am not saying we should keep other cultures from coming to America. What I am saying is if someone comes here, they should be required to assimilate, or go home. This is not Mexico, and it is not Yemen. This is America. Come here if you wish, but you had better understand you need to assimilate, and become American. You fly the AMERICAN flag. You learn ENGLISH. And you abide by OUR laws. If you do not want to be American, then don't come here. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

Otherwise, you are not welcome to stay.


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Reactionaries Do Not Solve Problems

Todays headline reads:

Obama Wants to End Tax Breaks for Companies that Move Jobs Overseas

People like Obama just don't get it. And they don't get it because they are reactionaries. Instead of finding the cause of a problem and fixing it, they react to the result of the problem and try to fight only the symptoms using punishment, not positive incentives. If a person chooses to get to the core of a situation, they will find the solution is usually simple and effective.

The problem APPEARS to be that businesses are moving jobs overseas. This is what liberals believe. It is what a community organizer would see. It is what someone would see if they did not bother to think it out. But businesses moving jobs overseas is not the problem - it is only a sympton of the problem. Consider...

A business has one function - to make as much profit as possible. If they move jobs overseas it is only because they can make more profit by doing so. Therefore, the solution lies in finding out WHY it is more profitable overseas, and what can we do to offset that and give businesses a profit motive for staying in America.

If you have followed me this far, you are now beginning to see the problem, and not just the symptom. The four highest cost factors (COB - Cost of Business) are wages, inventory, taxes and union benefits and costs. To make America more competitive so businesses will stay here, those costs must be reduced - preferably to a level below the costs of doing business overseas, to entice them to return to America.

Because of our chosen lifestyles of excess, we cannot compete with China when it comes to wages. And inventory is pretty much a wash - nearly the same, regardless. That leaves two areas where America can make changes.

In this regard, we can make two major changes. High corporate taxes (federal and state) can add 48% to the COB, and union benefits and costs can add from 20%-30%. Together, they add at least 68% to the cost of doing business in America. That is more than two-thirds the COB. Therefore, if we reduce taxes (instead of increasing them further as proposed by Democrats) and if we reduce the impact of unions (instead of increasing it as proposed by Democrats), we could easily reduce the COB by as much as 48% or more. How would that translate in terms of competitiveness?

In most American industries, wages account for roughly 18% of costs; inventory 10%; taxes 48% and unions 20%. The remaing 4% is profit.

In China, wages (which, by the way are rising rapidly) account for 8%; inventory 15%; taxes between 15% and 25%; unions 0%. Profit is 52%.

See the problem? If Congress were to reduce federal corporate taxes to 10% and reduced the union stranglehold by half, that would add 48% to the profit margin of businesses, giving a total profit of 52% - the same as China - while still retaining our high wages structure and the most necessary union benefits. There would be no incentive to move to China. And if states could be convinved to reduce corporate taxes to 5% (from the average of 10% currently), that would give businesses already in China an incentive to move back to the states - particularly since China's wages are quickly rising. And America would have plentiful jobs - even enough for all the illegal aliens.

I know many of you, particularly liberals, will scream that we are just making the rich richer. But think about that a moment - do poor people hire employees? Do poor people spend billions on R&D to create the products you want? Making the rich wealthier is the only way of creating more jobs. The rich make our lives better - they are the ones, like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs - that make our lives richer. Yes, they get a bigger share of the pie, but they are also making more pies, so we all benefit.

In short, the rich will be rich, either here or in China. So the choice is clear - in which country do you want them to live, and produce jobs and products?


Monday, October 11, 2010


Remember the promise of TRANSPARENCY?

Obama's hidden records: Why are these off limits?

1. Certified copy of original birth certificate. (I am not a "birther", but this is still an unanswered question - no original copy has been produced to date, so this question remains pertinent here concerning transparency)

2. Columbia University transcripts sealed.

3. Columbia thesis paper sealed.

4. Campaign donor analysis requested by 7 major watchdog groups. (millions were donated via untraceable pre-paid cards which could have come from anywhere - even Iran or China)

5. Harvard University transcripts sealed.

6. Illinois State Senate records limited access.

7. Illinois State Senate schedule limited access.

8. Law practice client list and billing records/summary

9. Locations and names of all half-siblings and step-mother

10. Medical records (only the one page summary released so far)

11. Occidental College Transcripts hidden.

12. Parent’s marriage Certificate not available.

13. Record of baptism.

14. Did Obama Actually Ever Register for Selective Service?

15. Schedules for trips outside of the United States before 2007

16. Passport records for all passports.

17. Scholarly articles not available.

18. SAT and LSAT test scores not available.

19. Access to his grandmother in Kenya.

20. List of all campaign workers that are lobbyists.

21. Punahou grade school records.

22. Noelani Kindergarten records are oddly missing from the the State of Hawaii Department of Education.

23. Obama 1964 Divorce Papers - 13 Pages - Missing Pg 11.

24. Why isn’t Barack Obama still a member of the Illinois bar and where are all of the relevant documents?

25. Why isn’t Michelle Obama still a member of the Illinois bar, after only about four years of practice, and where are all of the relevant documents?

Anyone who cares about their country would be very concerned that a POTUS had hidden every scrap of information of his life that he possibly could. These are pretty easy things to produce. Why are they all missing or sealed? For what purpose?

Just we all should be.


An Oxford Casino

Question #1 on this years ballot is whether or not we should permit casino gambling in Oxford (next time it will be Calais). Frankly, I do not intend to vote either way, as it does not directly impact me and there are pros and cons. But...

Those who promote the idea are being dishonest with you. They claim it will bring huge amounts of money from out-of-state. But if you think about that for a moment, and know anything about geography, you will know that claim is absurd.

The only "out-of-state" money will come from northern New Hampshire, with a sparse population, and not all of them gamblers. Much of southern New Hampshire is closer to the well-established Mohegan Sun in Connecticut. And most of Massachusetts is also closer to Connecticut. And Canada - they already have casinos. So I fail to see how a casino in Oxford will bring in huge amounts of revenue not already here.

But what it will bring in is a certain level of crime, as evidenced everywhere there is a casino, and a greater likelihood of family dissolutions caused by addictive gambling made easy. But what might be even more onerous is the shift in political power that always accompanies a casino. Casinos make money. LOTS of money. And with that kind of money comes power. And power corrupts. If you think we have problems in Maine politics now, just wait until we have casinos. The people - the average Joe on the streets - will lose power.

But there is an upside to a casino. Currently, Mainers who want to enjoy a weekend at a posh gambling resort would have to travel to Connecticut, ot Atlantic City. Not only is that expensive and time consuming, it also removes money from Maine.

Therefore, proponents would be better served, and would be more honest if they were to plug the casino on the basis on millions of dollars staying in Maine, rather than trying to sell us on millions coming in.


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Could Not Believe My Ears

I could not believe what she said, or that she could be either that stupid, or that dishonest. Nancy Pelosi, House Speaker, said food stamps and unemployment give the biggest bang for the buck; that every dollar we give out in that way will come back as $1.79.

I have a degree in economics. I have run the numbers every way possible, and Pelosi's statement doesn't even begin to hold water - or make any sense at all. She claims that money goes to companies who then have to hire people to meet the increased demand.

First, there is no indication food stamps or unemployment increases demand enough to force any company to hire more employees. But even assuming it does, here is the great flaw in her "thinking" (I use the term "thinking" in a very loose sense when referring to Pelosi).

The average business has a profit margin of 4-20%. Most run at the low end. Assuming a profit margin of even 10% on average, it would require $300,000 in subsidies like food stamps to provide a company with just $30,000 profit - enough to pay for an employee. But it gets worse. A company cannot use all its profits for hiring because, in order to increase production they must aslso increase costs, like the cost of inventory on goods needed to produce their product. So, in order to pay a new employee $30,000, the company would have to collect closer to $1.2 million dollars worth of subsidies like food stamps.

$1.2 million spent to create one $30,000 job. And since most Americans earning $30,000 pay ZERO taxes, none of that money makes it back to the Treasury.

Again, I have tried running the numbers in every possible light and could find no way to make a spent dollar come out to $1.79. Except one...

When money is given, free, to lower income people, it earns their support. By Democrats increasing the amount of food stamps and unemployment, they increase the number of people who are indebted to them, and will vote for them to insure the money keeps coming. This is the ONLY scenario in which a spent dollar earns a profit in votes and power for Democrats.

That said, on the other hand a dollar invested rather than spent can, indeed, result in $1.79 return. Investing money is the ONLY way to make it grow. Hence, if those dollars were given to small businesses (which employ 97% of all employees), the money could be used directly for growth, which means hiring. After all, the only reason for selling shares of a business to investors is to provide growth capital.

The figures do not lie. I wish I could say the same for people like Speaker Pelosi.

Ms Pelosi, if there is a way to turn $1.00 of taxpayer money into $1.79, perhaps you should pass a law that forces the U.S. Treasury to use the method. We could then pay off our debt and deficits in no time at all.

Now, I'm sure there will be those who will claim I am advocating putting an end to entitlements, but there is nothing in this post that says I am against food stamps or unemployment. I am not. But I am against giving so much, for so long to people who COULD be caring for themselves but just do not want to. Fully 70% of all government entitlements are wasted; given not to the needy, but to the clueless and useless. The government needs to put "welfare" back into local hands, and the federal governments only role should be to make sure all localities are doing the job. Local communities know who is needy and who is just lazy.

By cutting even 50% of the waste, we can do much more to help those who really need it while saving taxpayer money. Instead of giving $100 to needy Joe and $100 to lazy Mike, we could give $150 to needy Joe and put $50 back into the Treasury. Lazy Mike can fend for himself.

Frankly, I am tired of giving my hard-earned money to drug-dealers, drunks and child molesters simply because they "qualify" using "income guidelines". Instead of using income guidelines, we need to start using more sensible methods of determining need, such as physical ability, mental ability and/or unforeseen personal crisis (short term only). Everyone else can and should fend for themselves.

Except for the severely impaired mentioned above, everyone can earn a living. Nothing stops a poor person from getting a job of some sort, or if that is not possible, to give themselves a job by hiring out. Be the local handyman. Do baking or housekeeping for busy people. Do shopping for busy people. Mow lawns. Everyone can do something.

When the steelworker's union killed the company I was working for in '72 I could have collected unemployment and food stamps. Instead, I grabbed my wife's ballpoint paints and painted T-shirts. It paid the bills, along with some metal detecting on the side. And again in '76 when I got laid off at my newest job, I supported my family by starting a small business that connected local college students with residents who needed work done - I would send Don over to put up Mrs. Murray's storm windows, and Margie would go over to babysit for the Davisons. My "Work For Education" company provided a lot of cash in commissions, without me having to work very hard at all. After all, instead of earning 100% of one income I was earning 10% of 50 incomes.

The point is this - if someone is incapable of supporting themselves due to causes not within their control, help them. Everyone else needs to help themselves or pay the consequences - if they get desperate enough, they will work. Even homeless drunks go "canning", picking up aluminum cans and cashing them in so they could buy their next bottle of MD 20/20.

The short take - Pelosi and other liberals care nothing about helping the poor. All they want to do is stay in power, and are using the disadvantaged for that purpose. They are simply buying gratitude - and votes. It's time to take the politics out of charity and to do more to help those who truly are needy.


Friday, October 8, 2010

Obama Indicates He Is Not President Of The U.S.

Let's get something straight right at the start - anyone elected to be the POTUS is supposed to be the President of ALL people in the U.S. But Mr. Obama does not believe that, nor does he act accordingly. Rather, he has set himself up, publicly, as the President of the Democrats and Liberals of the United States.

I have gone over several hundred tapes, and in every case where Obama got in front of the camera he made it a point to be partisan - to slam Republicans at every opportunity. Sometimes for no other reason than they are Republican. Never once did we see President Bush do that.

Mr. Obama, if you cannot act like EVERYONE'S president, without bias, then you should step down and let a real leader step up to the plate. Someone who wants to represent ALL Americans, and not just those who agree with your personal ideology.

You are a disgrace, Mr. President. And I am beginning to suspect that when you got up to the podium the other day, proclaiming to be President, that it was an Act of God that the Presidential Seal fell off the podium. At the very least, it would appear to be an omen.

Mr. Obama, you were elected to be the President of ALL Americans. Start acting like you know what that means. It means setting your partisan ideology aside, leaving that to Congress, as THEY were elected to represent their party. You were not! Stop acting like a cheap community organizer and start acting like a President or get out of the way for someone who will. Even Biden would be more qualified - at least he understands what integrity is.


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Don't Feed The Bears

If you go to any of the National Parks you will see signs everywhere warning you not to feed the bears. In fact, it is illegal. And the reasons are sound.

If you feed the bears, they will come to expect it. They will learn to depend upon it. And when you run out of food to give, they will demand more and get mean, angry, and will attack you when there is no more. Bears WILL bite the hand that feeds them if it stops feeding them.

Throughout Europe today - Spain, France, Greece etc. - the people have taken to the streets, rioting, burning cars, looting, hurting people. All trains and other common carriers, as well as most other services have shut down. The reason? Same thing - the governments that gave their people all those handouts (entitlements) can no longer afford to do so, and have cut back severely in order to get their finances in order. And the people who have come to expect, depend upon and even demand those handouts are furious - they don't want the free ride to end. They feel cheated because they can no longer mooch off those that do the work.

America is heading in the same direction. All our entitlements are bankrupting us, but the people who get those entitlements just don't care, as long as they get "theirs". And the day is coming when our government will also have to get its financial house in order, and the only way that can be done is to cut entitlements. And the rioting will begin. The bears will be angry, and will get mean.

The strange thing is, our Constitution does not allow for entitlements, and no one is "entitled" to anything that they, themselves have not earned. Yet they are precisely the ones who will riot in the streets.

We, The People need to come to our senses and stop providing "entitlements" that people simply are not entitled to. If we keep on the current course, the bears will attack!


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Reduce Risk of Alzheimer's

Wait a minute - what was this blog supposed to be about? Oh yeah - Alzheimer's.

Seriously, there are ways to greatly reduce the risk of Alzheimer's, though it would be much more effective the younger you start.

Do you know what shows up, alarmingly in high quantities, in the brains of Alzheimer's victims? ALUMINUM. Researchers are relatively certain that the accumulation of aluminum in the brain foster's Alzheimers.

Until the 1980's, Alzheimer's was relatively rare. Since the '80's it has been steadily increasing. Now think about this - before 1950 there was almost no aluminum being consumed in our diets. Then, suddenly, frozen foods (i.e. T.V. dinners etc) and soft drinks were packaged in aluminum. Aluminum pots and pans replaced tin and steel.

Suddenly, people were inadvertently consuming aluminum. Lots of it. And a generation later the effects started to make their preence known.

To make matters much worse, communities across the country began fluoridating their water. Fluoride, a by-product of making aluminum, was rat poison. It was banned for being too toxic. So now they put it in the water (all other modern, industrial nations have banned it from water supplies). But here's the kicker - fluoride causes the body to ABSORB more of the aluminum you consume. And guess where it goes? That's right - straight to the brain.

To reduce the risk of Alzheimer's, simply eliminate the consumption of aluminum. Cook with steel, not aluminum. Avoid aluminum and aluminum foil contacting food. Stay away from fluoridated water. And the younger you start, the better, since aluminum accumulates and does not flush out of the body.


Monday, September 27, 2010

Vegetarian Myths

It seems everywhere you go these days there are fanatics trying to convince people that it is healthier to be a vegetarian, and so many "celebrities" that have been duped into going out stumping for vegetarianism and PETA.

They can do as they wish, but they should stop conning others into their drivel. And drivel it is, as the evidence shows.

FACT: Vegetarians die younger, according to census data

FACT: Vegetarian kids are sicklier, according to the Archives of Pediactric Adolescent Medicine that tracks such things

FACT: Vegtarian diets do NOT make you more "regular". Even teen vegetarians are 8 times more likely to need and use laxatives

FACT: Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Medical School have linked meatless, low protein diets to slumping sex function and muscle loss and bone damage.

FACT: Nature dictates what any creature is supposed to eat, and each animal (Man is an animal) has the teeth necessary for the diet best suited to them and their survival. Herbivores (i.e. cows, sheep, rabbits etc.) have incisors and molars, suited to eating plants. Carnivores (i.e. wolves, cats etc.) have canine teeth for ripping flesh. Man has the teeth of an omnivore - an animal that eats both plant and flesh. We have incisors and molars, but also bicuspids and canine (eye) teeth. Ergo, nature says we need meat in order to maintain our health.

And here is more news - the deadliest factor in heart disease is not cholesterol, as many believe. Cholesterol is harmless until it "catches" on a rough spot in your arteries, and then builds up from that. And the thing that causes those "rough spots" is a little thing called homocysteine, which corrodes arteries like a rusty pipe.

And can you guess what the best way to reduce homocysteine is? You guessed it - eating red meat.

For those who believe in the Old Testament, it is written in Genesis that God tells us what our sources of food shall be. It includes meat.

And for those of you who may still doubt the veracity of this, perhaps you should spend time sitting outside a vegetarian store and watch the customers. You will find that the majority of them are more sickly looking than the average person who walks into a butcher shop. I'm not kidding. Check it out for yourself.

Vegetarianism has other problems as well, including some serious problems for the ecology and the economy. If Man were to become vegetarian, there would be no raising of livestock (reducing jobs and eliminating many businesses). No livestock means no fertilizer for all the plants we would have to grow. This would result in a reduction of food sources, driving prices up and increasing hunger throughout the world. If you doubt that, it is a fact that the simple act of mandating 10% ethanol in our gas resulted in food shortages and higher prices worldwide.

Anyone who wants to be a vegetarian has every right to eat what they want. But don't BS the rest of us with your bogus excuses and disproved myths of better health. It ain't so.


Friday, September 24, 2010

When Is A Fence Not A Fence?

If you want to start a real dust up with liberals, suggest building a fence on the border. The result will be they will call you a bigoted racist, among other things.

The President of Mexico, Phillippe Calderone has called Americans racist for wanting to secure our borders. He has even considered suing Arizona. And when he visited Obama, Calderone blasted those who want a fence.

Which brings us to the news item of the day - president Calderone has decided to build his own fence, on his southern border. The reason is to keep out the illegal immigrants coming up from Central and South America who are putting a strain on Mexico's resources.

Can anyone say HYPOCRITE?

And where are all those American liberals who blast us for wanting a fence? Why are we hearing nothing from them about Calderone's fence?

Again, it seems that HYPOCRITE is the word of the day.


So, You Don't Believe There Will Be Death Panels...

There is a drug currently on the market and approved by the FDA that successfully treats some otherwise untreatable cancers. But it costs $7700 per month. And most insurance policies cover it. It extends lives.

Yesterday the FDA said it will remove its approval of the drug "because it is too expensive." Not because it is risky. Just because of its cost.

So here it is, for the disbelievers - ObamaCare does not want to pay that kind of money to keep you alive, so they will disapprove a drug that can keep you alive, simply because of its cost. By disapproving it, insurance companies no longer will cover it. And people who depend upon that drug for their very lives will die.

But still the liberals tell us there will be no "death panels". But I contend they have already convened...


Where Is The Outrage?

Today, the Democrats in Congress have brought in a far-left liberal comic, Stephen Colbert, to "testify" on immigration. The Democrats asked him to do so in his TV role as a phony conservative - Colbert makes his living playing the part of a dumb, racist conservative. And that is how the Democrats want him to "testify".

I don't know about you, but EVERY American, regardless of party should be outraged that our Congressional Hall has been turned into a soundstage for Saturday Night Live. Of course, since Democrats have already elected a Saturday Night Live clown as a Senator, this comes as no surprise.

The only thing missing is having Tina Fey do her stand-up on Sarah Palin.

Every Democrat who had any part in this childish, ignorant attempt to demean Congress and insult the American people and waste this kind of time and taxpayer money should be immediately tossed out on their ear. In a more patriotic time, they would have been tarred, feathered and run out on a rail.

By the way, folks - this little farce cost you $125,000....


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Why America Is Slipping

For 200 years, Americans, as a group, had one goal - to BUILD something better. Most people were wrapped up in being citizens of a free nation where their creativity could be unleashed, some on a large scale (think Henry Ford or Thomas Edison), and others on a smaller scale (think farmers and settlers).

For 200 years, we were growing a nation, building things better. But over the last 50 years, we have stopped being citizens and have become consumers. Instead of building something better, a large number of Americans can think of nothing else but how much they can consume. How many toys can I have? How many "super-sized" meals can I eat? How much can I TAKE?

And therein lies the difference. America used to be a nation of people willing to give their all to contribute to the growth and prosperity of the nation. And now we are far down the road to seeing how many freebies we can get from the government, paid for by those few who still want America to grow. We do not place the nation as a top priority. Instead, it's all about "me, me, me".

With 49% of all working Americans not paying ANY taxes, and with nearly half of all Americans living off government entitlements or salaries, we have reached a crossroads. It is like a see-saw - too much weight on one side will push things irrevocably in that direction. If government grows any further, America will be on a downward spiral from which we will not recover. After all, when more people are consuming than growing, the pot empties quickly.

Think of it this way - what do you think will happen if you withdraw more money from the bank than you put in?

America needs to re-evaluate its addiction to consumerism. Certainly, it is nice to have all the goodies, and that is not a problem. The problem arises when we take out more than we are willing to put in. We all want it all, but we are not all willing to do our share to PROVIDE it.

How much do YOU put back, for all that you use up? How self-sufficient are you? How would you fare if, suddenly, the government was gone? If you keep harvesting crops year after year, but never replenish the soil by adding fertilizer, the crops will stop coming and a dust-bowl will replace the crops, which happened in the 1930's. If everyone is eating at the table, but they never get up from the table to go out and grow more, the table will soon be devoid of food.

Wake up, America. Go ahead and consume - but each and every man, woman and child has an obligation to put as much back in as they take out. If we do not, our account will soon be overdrawn and we will all suffer.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Too Busy...

A United States Marine was taking some college courses between assignments. He had completed 20 missions in Iraq and Afghanistan . One of the courses had a professor who was an avowed atheist, and a member of the ACLU.

One day the professor shocked the class when he came in. He looked to the ceiling and flatly stated, "GOD, if you are real, then I want you to knock me off this platform... I'll give you exactly 15 min."

The lecture room fell silent. You could hear a pin drop. Ten minutes went by and the professor proclaimed, "Here I am GOD, I'm still waiting."

It got down to the last couple of minutes when the Marine got out of his chair, went up to the professor, and cold-cocked him; knocking him off the platform. The professor was out cold.

The Marine went back to his seat and sat there, silently. The other students were shocked and stunned, and sat there looking on in silence. The professor eventually came to, noticeably shaken, looked at the Marine and asked, "What in the world is the matter with you? Why did you do that?"

The Marine calmly replied, "GOD was too busy today protecting America 's soldiers who are protecting your right to say stupid stuff and act like an idiot. So He sent me."

The classroom erupted in cheers!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

They've Done It Again

While most Republicans attempted to get Congress to actually FUND the unemployment extensions (there's plenty of money left in the stimulus bill), our moronic senators Snowe and Collins both broke with the party and voted with the Democrats - again!

I don't mind them voting with the Democrats when there is good reason. But this was NOT a good reason - thanks to them, another $36 BILLION has been dumped onto our children and grandchildren to pay, when it could have easily been avoided.

It would have been SO easy to just take that amount from unspent stimulus funds, in which case ALL republicans would have been in favor. But Snowe and Collins again undermined efforts to reign in the wild spending, and in fact contributed to the wild deficit spending spree.

Had Snowe and Collins held fast to PRINCIPLES (something neither of them seems to comprehend), the Democrats would have been forced to fund the extension, and thereby protect our kids and grandkids. But no, Snowe and Collins do not care about future generations, apparently.

And do you realize that unemployment benefits have now been extended for 2.5 years? Frankly, if anyone remains jobless for two and a half years, they simply aren't looking.

Neither my wife nor my "fresh-out-of-school" daughter have any working history for their resume, yet both got jobs the first week they went job hunting. So do not try to BS anyone by saying there just isn't any work to be had.

Here's an example - I know a person who has been out of work for almost 18 months. When the Republicans caused a lapse in his free money, he was upset because "I now gotta go look for work, and it interferes with my fishing." In other words, as long as the free money comes in, many unemployed persons simply will not even look for work.

But whether or not benefits should be extended is not the issue at hand. The issue is that Maine's idiot senators just screwed our children and grandchildren again, to the tune of $36 billion just so they could be buddies with the liberals.

Frankly, both senators need to start being honest and run as the democrats they really are, because they certainly are not republicans. They are frauds - democrats running as republicans.


Monday, July 12, 2010

Olympia Snowe - Hurting Maine Again

Olympis Snowe has said she will vote for the "financial reform" bill. But as anyone with any sense of finance or economics understand, not only will it not "reform" anything, it will hurt us all - a lot!

This bill, if passed into law, will increase the cost of doing business, banking and in effect, touch every part of our lives. Whenever the cost of business goes up, those costs get passed onto the consumer - all of us "little people." It is WE who will pay, not the bankers, not the businesses, not Wall Street. Everything flows downhill - fact of life.

But of course, Olympia Snowe does not understand that, nor does she care. All she cares about is her own career. And for that very reason, the people of Maine should put an end to that career the next time her term is up. A chimpanzee could do the job better than she and Collins can.

You may not know this, but both of Maine's Senators make Maine a laughing stock. People all over the country keep wondering what kind of idiots would keep putting clowns like Snowe and Collins in office.

Meanwhile, Snowe once again will do her level best to screw the people of Maine, just as she always has.
