Thursday, October 21, 2010

Why Governor's Race Is Important This Year

A lot of states are electing governors this year, and this is a particularly important year for such races.

Every ten years, states are allowed to "redistrict" the state, which helps determine which party will have the most power in Congress for the next decade.

Redistricting means that the state is divided into districts for representation in the House of Representatives in Congress. How the districts are drawn will determine who gains the most power at the polls.

To illustrate, look at the gerrymandered districts that exist today. You will see they were drawn specifically to include voters of primarily one party, and excluding voters of the opposing party. Here are the Top 9 Gerrymandered Districts (8 of which are Democrat)...

This is actually crooked, though perfectly legal. And since Democrats have typically held power in Congress for 44 of the last 60 years, you can see why drawing districts is critical. Currently, the districts with the craziest, crookedest gerymandering are held by long-term Democrats like Barney Frank and Luis Gutierrez.

And that is why it is so important to vote this year, particularly for your Governor position. Because it is the Governor who will authorize changes in districting. And electing your party into your atate legislature will help your Governor redistrict in ways that benefit your party.

So, if it really is a change you want, this is where it begins - redistricting. And that will only happen if you get out and vote.


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