Thursday, November 19, 2009

Open Your Eyes, America

Yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, after weeks in closed office crafting his so-called health care reform bill, came out and told us that we, the people, are stupid.

Actually, he said his bill would come in at $849 billion and would cut the deficit. And he thinks we are stupid enough not to see the truth.

What Mr Reid did was to cut $210 billion from the bill and putt it into a SEPARATE bill called the "doctor fix", which increases medicare payments to doctors. So, the actual health care reform bill, when you add it ALL up, comes to over a trillion dollars, and does, indeed, add to the deficit.

More important is the White House comment today that the president supports the passage of the separate "doctor fix" by Congress. What makes this questionable is that just 14 hours previously, he did an interview with Major Garrett where Obama said, "If we keep adding to the deficit and don't get spending under will cause a double dip recession." And then he immediately calls for Congress to SPEND MORE.

Reid and Pelosi are pathological liars and con artists, and think we, the people, are mindless lemmings. And Obama is not much better, as he is single-handedly destroying the greatest society the world has ever known., and is doing so with INTENT. He KNOWS more spending will cause a double-dip recession, then calls for more spending!

Yes, it could simply be gross incompetence. But those who elected him keep telling us how smart he is, so I doubt if incompetence is the problem. No, this must be intentional. But why?

Simple. Obama, who studied under Saul Alinsky (Marxist) wants a socialist country. The fastest and easiest way to do that is to make the people want it. And the easiest way to make the people want it is to give them cause to abandon capitalism and free markets as a failure.

Ergo, it is the Obama administration's goal to cause the massive failure of capitalism. Create recessions and depressions. Create massive deficits we cannot possibly repay, forcing America into bankruptcy. Do that, and the people will rush to socialism, trying to salvage their lives, crying "Please save us, Federal Government!"

It is the only explanation for the actions of this administration and the liberal Congress, acting together to bring down capitalism and the role of free markets. The Stimulus bills. The bail-outs. Taking over banks, insurance companies and car companies. Passing massive, incredibly expensive bills like health care, cap and trade and even "cash for clunkers", which we now know was a terrible failure, as it "borrowed" sales from later and got them all to occur in September, to give the APPEARANCE of an uptick in GDP.

Look out, folks! While you were sleeping, these clowns have dragged America perilously close to Marxism. And you REALLY don't want to go there. Every nation that ever has, has failed.


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