Thursday, July 23, 2009

Missing The Point On Health Care

There is a lot of hype surrounding the so-called "health care debate." That's because "health care" is not the real issue. The REAL issue is HEALTH. There is a big difference. To find the (simple) solution, one must first understand the issue.

The natural order of things is good health, and ill health, throughout history, has been the exception. Until 60 years ago, most Americans rarely needed to see a doctor or visit a hospital. The reverse is currently true - GOOD health is becoming the exception.

With the advent of health insurance, folks suddenly ran to the emergency room for every little thing, simply because it was now "free". We have become a nation of needy, sick people. This overtaxes the healthcare system and drives up the cost. And here is HOW we got that way...

Food processing companies have been filling store shelves with non-food for over a half century. It's all chemicals, preservatives, various sugars, too much salt, hormoes, pesticides and just about any other non-food, all for the sake of greater profits. The most profitable "additive" is high fructose corn syrup, which is 100 times sweeter than sugar, at a fraction of the cost to produce. And it is the #1 cause of obesity and diabetes in America. Moreover, if you check labels, it is in almost everything on the grocery store shelves.

Our bodies are being abused in this way, and are not getting the proper nutrition. So, our society is getting sicker and sicker.

SOLUTION: Keep people healthy in the first place, and provide for catastrophic care

1) Tax junk food and non-natural foods, and apply those funds to reduce the cost of good, organic, healthy foods so people can afford to eat REAL food

2) Teach students in school, from the 3rd grade on, about PROPER nutrition and healthy foods, and what the body requires

3) Reinstate mandatory Phys Ed in every grade and every school, and make it FUN

4) Every person should have coverage for catastrophic care - such insurance is much cheaper that complete insurance. This could be funded by employers, by mandate. During periods of unemployment, individuals would be temporarily covered by a government-paid option, but ONLY while unemployed

5) A healthier society from 1 thru 3 will result in a much reduced need for lesser health care issues, which would reduce the load, and reduce the cost of insurance to cover the minor issues, making it more affordable for all

6) Tort reform - in cases where there was no gross negligence or intentional harm, doctor's liability would be limited only to actual financial damages. In cases of gross neglect or intentional harm, lower limits for awards should be set, with a maximum based on the actual potential earning power lost, plus actual costs and costs for ongoing medical needs. An additional award of up to 25% more if the neglect resulted in serious long-term pain.

If we keep ourselves healthy, health care costs will take care of themselves. If we reduce the cost of malpractice insurance, doctor costs could be cut substantially.


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