Thursday, July 9, 2009

Laughing At The Pundits

Governor Sarah Palin resigns. And all of the overpaid pundits cannot understand it. They all put forth their dumb theories, but they ultimately say, "I don't understand this - why would she do this?"

But for those of us with some living brain cells, it is so obvious that it is almost obscene.

Palin's family is not wealthy. All other possible presidential candidates are millionaires, but Palin is simply middle-class. She really cannot run, and effectively compete in 2012. Bear in mind that Hillary Clinton had to fund over 20 million on her own. Romney has $100 million. Palin does not have even one million.

As governor, Palin cannot charge $100,000 for speaking engagements, or do a lot of other money-making things, or she would violate ethics rules.

So, here is EXACTLY why Palin resigned:

1) She can book 50 speaking engagements per year, at $100,000 each, over the next two years, and bankroll $10 million.

2) She can publish a book, and collected another $5-10 million

3) She can travel the lower 48, and build a stronger base. Stuck in Alaska, she cannot do that.

4) As governor, she pretty much has to put up with the mindless, crude attacks on her family by the media. As a private citizen, she can hit back - hard!

5) She is now free to study, and become much better informed in matters of state, and foreign affairs.

6) She has enough integrity to not hold onto the governor's seat while giving her time to a bigger campaign - Alaska deserves a full-time governor. This is far different from the "politics as usual" we are accustomed to - Obama spent two years AWAY from his senate seat to run for president. During that time he was getting paid to represent the folks in Illinois, but failed to do so. Palin is better than that.

But first and foremost, she cannot vie for the nomination unless she has strong personal finances - and she cannot do that as governor. She is smart enough to realize that, in her current middle-class status, she cannot compete financially with multi-millionaires like Romney.

So, to all those overpaid pundits I would suggest they stop analyzing her as you would analyze the crooked politicians in Washington, and begin looking at her for the real person of character and integrity she is. Then you will easily understand her.

And, no, I do not think she would be the best candidate for president in 2012. But she most certainly is viable, and a helluva lot smarter than the pundits, media and liberals think she is.

And I gotta tell ya, it is a huge mistake to understimate Sarah Palin.

Side note: It is July 9th - summertime. I just stepped onto my deck for a breath of fresh air, and could see my breath! I have never seen such cold summers as these last two, and I have seen 61 summers.


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