Monday, March 16, 2009

Come Again?

Last fall, Senator John McCain made the statement that he thought "the fundamentals of the economy are strong."

The Obama folks and everyone on the left tore McCain apart for that statement, even though he said he was referring to the American worker as being the "fundamentals" of the economy.

Two days ago, Barak Obama stated "The fundamentals of the economy are sound". The left did not make a peep about that. But the right, naturally, asked "What gives? Why the double standard?"

To which Obama's economic advisor, Romer, merely stated. "The president was referring to the American worker."


It appears, once more, that when Republicans say something it is bad and foolish, but when Democrats say EXACTLY the same thing it is suddenly good, and profound.

Yeah, I know - to all you Democrats reading this, there was some sort of "difference". And the republicans know EXACTLY what the difference is, so please hold the BS.


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