Friday, April 16, 2021

Is A (Fake) "Extraterrestrial Invasion" On The Horizon?

See the source image

One year ago I wrote a blog post "Will This Be The End of a Free America" in which I predicted all the "Covid-19" crap that actually came to pass in spite of the Mainstream Media saying it was a conspiracy theory, and how the globalist elites would use it to foment unending fear in the population for the purpose of controlling everyone.

But a lot of the fear is now dying down as people begin to wake up, that they have been played. And deep down I know the globalist elites will not give up their quest for their New World Order, as postulated by the United Nations in their Agenda 21 and Agenda 30. It stands to reason that they are now in need of something that will promulgate an even greater fear than a deadly pandemic.

I began looking for clues as to what such a scenario might be grown from, if the "pandemic" thing wears out. And then I noticed something very unusual. After 70 years of trying to bury any story of UFO's and extraterrestrials, suddenly and without warning the "deep state" has begun releasing over the last year a series of video footage that shows unidentified flying objects, and they now admit there is something to it. Why now?

Before going further, it should be noted that in 1938 Orson Welles's "War of the Worlds" was broadcast on radio and it created a fear that threw large portions of America into turmoil. No visuals, i.e. TV or movies. Just one man's voice on the radio.

Today we have the technology to create almost any scenario in 3D using CGI and sophisticated technologies unheard of just a few years ago (Project BlueBeam coupled with Direct Energy Weapons). And "Crisis" companies have been creating scenes using crisis actors that appear 100% authentic. They can even produce masks so realistic it is impossible to tell who is who, what is what.

Now, couple that technology with the sudden willingness to convince us that extraterrestrials are very real (they probably are, but that's another blog post). Would that not be a perfect opportunity to instill the ultimate fear in everyone on the planet? That their fake intel indicates extraterrestrials are on their way to Earth, and information gleaned from Roswell and other incidents show they are coming to "harvest" us, and if humanity is to survive, we must all come together as one, in a global society, because we will be stronger if we stand together. And there will be convincing videos to support their claim of an invasion. The greatest false flag production ever conceived.

Don't get me wrong - I am not predicting that this scenario is what they have in mind. I am saying, however, it would be a definite possibility based on what we are seeing today, and knowing the global elites will not quit their quest for world domination.

And I think it would be wise to keep our eyes wide open to what transpires in the way of a new narrative designed to create fear. One thing is certain - there WILL be another terror inflicted upon us - if not another pandemic, or an invasion, rest assured they will foist something on us to force us to give up our liberty and individualism in favor of the "protection" from the masters of the New World Order.

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