Saturday, November 2, 2019

Washington Post - Disingenuous to a Fault

The headline today. "Fox News isn’t talking about key impeachment witnesses nearly as much as the other networks". Now that is either the most ignorant statement or the most intentionally disingenuous.

There is a reason Fox is not taking about them as much - the "witness" testimonies are made in secret and there is nothing valid to say, since the public does not know what is being said in these secret meetings of the Democrats. It simply is not possible to REPORT on the witness testimony. So, why do the other networks spend all their time talking about them? Because they are TALKING about them, and not REPORTING anything.

Liberal media like CNN, NBC, ABS, MSNBC, Washington Post and New York Times etc. are all deeply involved in tying to turn the public against the administration, in an attempt to interfere with the 2020 election. They posit, they pundit, they spread unfounded rumors and they spread leaks from the Democrats who only leak tidbits taken out of context that smear the President.

Fox News is more honest than that. When there is NEWS to REPORT, they do so. But to date, the only news there is to report about those witnesses is how the Democrats are using them to twist the narrative by cherry-picked leaks, and how the mainstream media is helping them to do it.

Fox reports real news. Have any of the mainstream media reported on real news, like local school districts tossing out academics in favor of "equity of outcomes?" Fairfax County, VA, Seattle and NYC among others are actually doing things like replacing the Chief of Academics with a Chief of Equity. Why is this important news to know? Because it is designed to "dumb down" our students. In order for there to be an equal outcome in education, then education must be fashioned around the dumbest students -the lowest denominator - because while it is possible to make smart kids less educated, it is impossible to make lower I.Q. kids more smarter.

But the mainstream media are not reporting news that the people need to know because they spend all their time TALKING about the witnesses in the impeachment inquiry when there is nothing valid to report. They simply do not want the public to know what is really going on around them, because it is just so much easier to dupe and control ignorant people than it is to con well-informed people. And that is what the mainstream media and Democrats are all about - keeping their power by keeping the electorate dumb about the facts of what is going on around them.

So, yeah, Fox News isn't spending anywhere near as much time talking about those so-called witnesses (most of whom were not even in the room and aren't witness to much of anything) because Fox reports actual news, while the other media just spread rumors and and conspiracy theories with all their "what if" remarks. "What if it's true...", What if Trump said this...?"

Here's a "what if" for you - what if the mainstream media were honest and unbiased?

There is not any news outlet with a following as large as Fox. And no you know why...


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