Sunday, June 23, 2019

Democrats and Deportation

Have you noticed? Whenever liberals disagree with anything conservatives do - even if it is the law - they take it to court and have some activist judge overturn it. They then say that we have to listen to and abide by the court.

But not so much when the court actually rules IN FAVOR of the law.

Illegal immigrants are required to go to a court hearing to determine their eligibility for asylum. That is the law. And if the court determines they are not eligible, the court ORDERS law enforcement to deport them. That, too, is the law. But when the Trump administration attempts to follow the law and the order of the court, liberals are "outraged" and accuse him of being inhumane. They say the law - and the court - must be ignored!

That is the real issue here - that liberals tend to be duplicitous and disingenuous. They only care about the law when it benefits them. Otherwise, they simply choose to ignore - even flaunt - the law. Sanctuary cities. Illegal immigration. Deportation. Detaining illegal immigrants.

They do the same with gun control. Even when a state law prevents localities from passing gun laws more strict than the state law, they ignore the state law and pass their own, anyway. They ignore Heller vs Washington DC.

More to the point, they ignore the Constitution, whether it is free speech; freedom to worship wherever, whenever and however; or the right to bear arms. And as we saw in the Kavanaugh hearing, they even ignored the presumption of innocence until proved guilty. All those things that make America great - liberals are against it.

So it comes as no surprise to any intelligent, sane person that liberals now want law enforcement to ignore the courts when it comes to deportations. And while we have come to expect this sort of thing from them, it is disconcerting that they believe they have the right to do whatever they wish, regardless of the law. That only we, and not they, must abide by the law.

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