Thursday, May 2, 2019

Democrats Have Not Even READ the Mueller Report

All the hype; all the political theatre; all the partisan BS - and not a single Democrat in Washington has even read the Mueller Report!

The un-redacted Mueller Report (except for Grand Jury testimony) has been available to congressional leadership for some time. To date, only bthree people have read it - and all three were Republicans. The Democrats running this sideshow have not even bothered to turn a single page. Why is that? How can they possibly run committes or oversight if they have not even read the report?

They can't!  And there is a reason they have not chosen to read it - they do not want to hear the truth. They have spent the last 30 months hating Trump and crying over the loss of 2016. They have already made up their minds that Trump colluded and obstructed, and they have no intention of letting facts deter them from their derangement.

They know that Mueller found no collusion, and failed to comment on obstruction. That is not what they wanted to hear, nor expected to hear. They were CERTAIN Bob Mueller would take down Trump. And now they are even angrier than they were before the report was presented.

And now they are angry with Mueller, who was expected to be their saviour, and AG Barr because those two failed to find proof that the derangement of the Democrats was well-founded. When Nadler, Schiff, Pelosi, Harris, Booker and Hirono are shown to be the clowns they are, looking foolish to the world, it is no wonder they are so angry. My Dad used to say it is better to let people think you a fool than to open your mouth and prove it.

When Congressional leaders like Nadler and Schiff, along with other hyper-partisans like Hirono, Swalwell, Harris and Booker do not even bother to read the report that was 2 years in the making, simply because it opposes what they have decided to believe, then perhaps those people should not be representing anyone, let alone We, the People.

They do not deserve to hold public office if they cannot even make a stab at being unbiased and objective, and make an effort to learn the facts.


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