Thursday, October 16, 2014

Government Policy Guarantees Ebola Outbreak in U.S.

Everyone who has been paying attention is aware that the government and the CDC has been lying to us about ebola. But the worst part is the stupidity that they show, and that they believe they can fool us, thinking we are as stupid as they.

The CDC and the Obama administration does not want a travel ban of commercial traffic from West Africa. They claim that such a ban would make the ebola situation worse, yet offer no evidence to support that claim. Either they are just plain stupid, or they are being deceptive when they say such a ban would prevent us from going to Africa to fight ebola there.

Just how dumb do they think we are? You can shut off traffic by travelers without shutting down humanitarian medical travel. We can still go to Africa to fight ebola, even if we are preventing travel by ordinary folks. The two are not mutually exclusive.

We can send whatever help we need to, and still prevent any other travelers with a passport stamp from West Africa from boarding any flight to America. We can - and must - do both.

But when morons like those in our government have such a one-track mind as to make them ignorant, we, the people, should stand in unison and tell them what they MUST do if they want to keep their jobs.

Worse yet are the partisan idiots like Rep. Waxman (D) who spend their time blaming ebola on Republicans because of sequestration. What he DOESN'T say is that Republicans voted to give the CDC more money than Obama had even asked for. And he doesn't say that sequestration was Obama's idea, and Harry Reid's Democrat senate allowed it to happen.

Ebola should not be a political football. But it seems that even national security is a political pawn to Democrats.

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