Monday, April 12, 2010

They Are At It Again - Crashing The Tea Parties

There is a website, that enlists and encourages progressive liberals who oppose the tenets of the Tea Party (smaller government, less taxes, more personal freedoms) and get them to attend Tea Parties with the express agenda of disrupting, and even making it appear that Tea Partiers are racists, nuts and illiterates.

You can check the site yourself, to see that these Marxists, in the truest form of Saul Alinsky Marxism plan to do whatever they can to discredit the tea partiers with their deceptions. They will infiltrate a party, and then raise racist signs, and signs misspelled. They will yell racist epithets. They will act inappropriately, perhaps even violently, all in an attempt to get the lamestream media to point out the bad behavior of the Marxists and say, "Look, we told you the Tea Partiers were nutty, illiterate, violent racists." And people who are no informed may believe it.

But now you are among the informed. If you hear of a "tea partier" who is acting racist or inappropriately, you can bet it is not a tea partier at all, as they are taking great care to behave well, simply because they know they are being targeted by the lamestream media and the current White House administration.

Once more, progressive liberals are showing their true colors of insidious deception. They simply cannot argue the merits of their beliefs, so they resort to lies and deception. Don't take my word for it - check out the site yourself. They are actually proud of being liars and deceivers. Last time I checked, no true, patriotic American would ever be proud of that sort of thing.

It matters not if you like or dislike the Tea Party. But one thing that certainly does matter is whether or not the discussion and debate is honest and forthright. The liberals obviously have no use for any honest debate.


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