Monday, January 18, 2010

Had to Laugh

Today, as Obama was campaigning for Coakley in the hotly contested Massachusetts Senate race, he said the Republican (Brown) was a friend of the "fat-cat" bankers. And then this quote:

"Bankers don't need another vote in the United States Senate. They've got plenty. "

Well, Mr. Obama, since the Democrats hold a super-majority in the Senate, exactly what are you saying?

I guess he missed this - it was Coakley, not Brown who went to Washington last Tuesday and solicited a $5000 campaign contribution from - you guessed it - CITI Bank. So, I guess Obama is right - we don't need another bank-owned Senator, so MA should vote for Brown.

I always appreciate a good gaffe that gives a chuckle...

If Brown manages to win, I can't wait to see what BS tactics the Democrats try to use to keep from seating him quickly. But they really should think twice - if the seat him, and the health-care bill dies because of it, Brown would actually be saving Democrats from themselves. Unable to keep pissin' off the folks, they might actually survive.


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