Thursday, February 21, 2019

Effect of The Green New Deal on Climate?

According to published studies by the same scientists that say climate change is real, fully implementing the Green New Deal would have no meaningful impact on global temperatures. In fact, the U.S. could cut its carbon dioxide emissions 100 percent and it would not make a difference in abating global warming.

Using the same climate sensitivity (the warming effect of a doubling of carbon dioxide emissions) as the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assumes in its modeling, the world would be only 0.137 degree Celsius cooler by 2100.

But that's not even the worst of it. If America went totally green, it would cost the country trillions, which would bankrupt America to a point below the lowest 3rd world country (and then it would be Americans emigrating to Honduras!). But it gets worse - it would require the U.S. to employ all its resources to go green, which would devastate the military that protects us, and prevents America from competing with our enemies in the military technology that will determine who rules  the world. Before it's over - and before we would actually accomplish going green - we would all be speaking Chinese.

And all for literally NOTHING! One tenth of one degree will not change anything at all, climate-wise. But it would guarantee the total destruction of America and its freedoms.

Why does this not bother Ocasio-Cortez and other progressive liberals and socialists? Because to them the climate is nothing more than a vehicle for pushing their socialist agenda (although in the case of AOC, it's mostly ignorance), and they really do not care about the climate any more than they care about Angel Moms (they are an inconvenient truth), or illegal immigrants (they only care to the extent that it will eventually expand their base).


Friday, February 15, 2019

Hypocrisy of Ocasio-Cortez

Rep Ocasio-Cortez says she wants $15/hour minimum wage. She says she wants jobs for everyone. Yet, because she is such a mental midget, she has chased Amazon out of New York - a company that would have employed 25,000 people and whose average income is $150,000/year.

It would appear that she only wants GOVERNMENT jobs for everyone. She is intent on making America another failed socialist state. She simply hates capitalism, even though that is what built this country into the best and most powerful the world has ever seen.

Why on Earth would voters in her - or any other - district vote for such a fool? If we do not begin electing intelligent, sane people with America's best interest at heart, our country will be lost into the dust bin of history. She said she "beat the richest man in the world." No, she did not. She simply made New York stink too badly, so Bezos will simply go elsewhere. She beat no one except 25,000 New Yorkers who now will not have a good job.

As for us in Virginia, we thank Ocasio-Cortez and her ilk - we will now probably get those 25,000 jobs.

America is well on the way to obscurity, thanks to people like Ocasio-Cortez, and those who vote for such anti-American agents of socialism. It's a shame that our institutions of "learning" no longer teach what socialism is, and the terrible result that must always be the end game.


Monday, February 11, 2019

Democrats Have No Intention Of A Deal

While there are those who ardently believe - or at least hope - that congress will cut an immigration deal that Trump would sign, they are living in la-la land. Ain't gonna happen. There was never any intention of making (letting) it happen.

Democrats only want two things - power, and getting rid of Trump, because he is their nemesis. And they are completely aware that if they fail to cut a deal, Trump will be forced to do one of two things - either declare a national emergency and build it, anyway, in which case the Democrats and their minions in the media would declare him a dictator, or he would shut down the government again (unlikely), and the Democats could paint him a heartless little child stomping his feet when he doesn't get what he wants.

What the Democrats will NEVER do is accept responsibility for not securing our country or protecting our citizens. They have zero interest in either. Again, it's about power, and they play a "long game". They understand that every illegal immigrant who makes it here can have children on American soil who WILL be citizens, and in just a few short years they can vote. Millions of them. And the Democrats will have a new base (since they are slowly losing in the black community). With multiple millions of new democrat voters, Democrats believe they will finally have permanent power to rule our nation into a socialist immoral morass and into obscurity.

Not to proselytize, but the Bible warns us about this; that the evil deceivers will divide the people. And the Democrats have spent the last 20 years dividing us by race, gender, sexual orientation, income and religion. In fact, in her rebuttal to SOTU, Dem Stacey Abrams stated that identity politics is a GOOD thing.

Yeah - but good for who? Not America.


Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Pelosi's Papers - What They REALLY Were

Twitter is ablaze with theories as to what those papers were that Pelosi made it such a point to be concentrating on at the State of the Union. Truth be known, they were .....


That's right. They were blank pages, with the singular purpose of what Democrats are famous for - DISTRACTION. While people were watching her rifle through those sheets, and wondering what they could be, Nancy hoped they weren't paying attention to what Trump was saying.

And how do I know this? Simply by the way she was doing it - very pronounced and animated, and not actually taking the time to read anything - just rifling through page after page. And doing it even while standing!

If she were actually reading from them, she could have kept them considerably more private - after all, if it was legitimate, she would not want the world to see how disinterested she was in the State of the Union. Nope! Those papers were designed solely to distract.

More stupid political games by people who were elected to actually GOVERN, and not play games.


Monday, February 4, 2019

Twitter Trolls Are Disgusting

I deleted my Twitter account over a year ago because the insanity and disgusting tweets of liberal trolls made me sick.

And this month, those brain-dead morons are ripping apart both Melania and Ivanka Trump for their very positive tweets for Black History month. Both tweeted extremely thoughtful praise for the great contributions by members of the black community. And all these idiot trolls could do was tweet back personal insults because they are related to Trump! It mattered not what they said or felt - it only mattered they are related to The Donald.

A couple of valid points here:

1) Everyone on planet Earth is related to someone who is less than perfect, or even downright unsavory. But these trolls don't think about the skeletons in their own closets! Every one of them is far, far worse than Donald Trump could ever be, even if he tried.

2) In spite of liberals and the media constantly saying Trump is racist, he is not. Many years ago he actually fought for the right of black Americans to use previously "all white" country clubs in Florida. He hired black people in his businesses, and even had them in his cabinet and as WH staff. He is the first president ever to bring black unemployment to the lowest in history. He instituted prison reform, aimed primarily at black prison populations. He is working on a program that will rebuild blighted inner cities, designed primarily to help minorities to have greater opportunities.

If anyone can look at what Trump has DONE instead of concentrating on his less-than-articulate way of speaking, there is no way they could say he is racist. Unless, of course, you are a liberal, in which case mis-speaks always "trump" actions and deeds.

Yet, the dishonest liberal media and dumb-ass pundits keep insisting Trump is racist, as they know if they say it often enough, people will believe it, true or not. And they NEED for it to be true, or their entire narrative falls apart. Perception is reality.

I don't give a damn what Trump says. I only care about what he actually DOES. "You will know them by their deeds". I did not vote for a saint - I voted for a leader who will do what needs to be done. If we ever get to the point where only a perfect person will do, then we are doomed, because there has only been one perfect person in all of human history.

Frankly, the world would be a lot better off and have far less division and hate if Twitter were to disappear. It is a blight on civilization, eroding it like  a cancer.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

The Russians and Tulsi Gabbard

"An NBC News analysis of the main English-language news sites employed by Russia in its 2016 election meddling shows Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, who is set to make her formal announcement Saturday, has become a favorite of the sites Moscow used when it interfered in 2016. Several experts who track websites and social media linked to the Kremlin have also seen what they believe may be the first stirrings of an upcoming Russian campaign of support for Gabbard."

OK, so why are the media NOT asking the obvious question: if Russian meddling with social media posts that were pro-Trump were the cause that started the "Russian Collusion" conversation which led to a Special Counsel, then why is it that the exact same thing does not constitute "Russian Collusion" on the part of Gabbard? The Russians appeared to favor Trump and he gets ripped apart and investigated by Democrats and the media. The Russians now favor Gabbard, but the media and Democrat politicians are gushing all over her.

It is long past time for We, the People to DEMAND objectivity and honest brokering by the media. If they refuse, they should be put out of business and replaced by those who are honest.
